Yo, You Wanna Talk About It?

(Serious Inquiry)
My girlfriend is so bad to me sometimes that I question why I stay with her. Without my dad and I, shed be pretty much homeless with no money detoxing off methadone without a car and has a warrant. How much more can I say?
She is so aggressive with me (not physical anymore) and I know I should leave but never do. Been together 7 years, its a big deal for me I know others have been together much longer.

Didnt want to post this but having a very upsetting morning. Very upsetting.
It be all right @Kind Sir , everything works out for a reason... Man, just from what u said, I would say that Unless she is making an actual effort / improving her ways, at some point you def got to move forward w/o her... You cant b expected to just b brought down by her actions/choices for rest of yo life...

Do productive things for you, man! F@#k the dumb $hit!
(Serious Inquiry)
My girlfriend is so bad to me sometimes that I question why I stay with her. Without my dad and I, shed be pretty much homeless with no money detoxing off methadone without a car and has a warrant. How much more can I say?
She is so aggressive with me (not physical anymore) and I know I should leave but never do. Been together 7 years, its a big deal for me I know others have been together much longer.

Didnt want to post this but having a very upsetting morning. Very upsetting.

Holy shit.. I'm being serious when I say this. I can understand why you are conflicted. Methadone is a fucking bitch... I was on it for 8 years after getting hooked on pain pills after a surgery and in 2003 my son passed of SIDS and I fell hard. Ended up on them liquid handcuffs for years till I had had enough and went cold turkey.. 6 months of noticeable withdrawals. You guys only being here place of something to call home.

But from experience, don't stay on a sinking ship bro. It's hard. Easier me giving you advice from here but I've been almost in your same position.
It be all right @Kind Sir , everything works out for a reason... Man, just from what u said, I would say that Unless she is making an actual effort / improving her ways, at some point you def got to move forward w/o her... You cant b expected to just b brought down by her actions/choices for rest of yo life...

Do productive things for you, man! F@#k the dumb $hit!

My ex and I split back in 04 and after that she ended up contracting HIV and I'm sure other friendly STD's. I'm being put through the ringer right now to try and get child support stopped. It's a long boring story with some great climactic key points.

but as of now, she has reproduced 3 more children, yes.. 3.. While being infected. SC's DSS system is a joke. She's in jail right now for a bench warrant but is facing some serious time for murdering her unborn baby. Another long story..

Bright side.. Uh.. You 2 don't have kids together right @Kind Sir ?
My ex and I split back in 04 and after that she ended up contracting HIV and I'm sure other friendly STD's. I'm being put through the ringer right now to try and get child support stopped. It's a long boring story with some great climactic key points.

but as of now, she has reproduced 3 more children, yes.. 3.. While being infected. SC's DSS system is a joke. She's in jail right now for a bench warrant but is facing some serious time for murdering her unborn baby. Another long story..

Bright side.. Uh.. You 2 don't have kids together right @Kind Sir ?
Damn, that is some tough shit to b having to deal with! Hope you are doing better now and Im sure you happy you made the tough decision to get away from her now, right?

Life is f@#king tough sometimes, best we can do is do our best and to hell w the results cuz we're victorious so long as we do the best we can in any given circumstance w whatever is at our disposal at that given time...
Thanks ror the replies. Ive held it in for awhile and dont tell anyone but its to the point where even if we dont argue for 2 months but she has a blowout and goes out of line. It scares me thinking about putting myself in a bad, unnecessary situation. I truly love her tho, I don't like her at all quite rarely but theres no reason to say the harsh shit she does at times.

She not a lunatic at all. If you saw her you wouldnt think sh3 could b3 so bad but idk. Just upset guys, thanks fo4 being kind.
Thanks ror the replies. Ive held it in for awhile and dont tell anyone but its to the point where even if we dont argue for 2 months but she has a blowout and goes out of line. It scares me thinking about putting myself in a bad, unnecessary situation. I truly love her tho, I don't like her at all quite rarely but theres no reason to say the harsh shit she does at times.

She not a lunatic at all. If you saw her you wouldnt think sh3 could b3 so bad but idk. Just upset guys, thanks fo4 being kind.
Well, if you stay w her...go balls to the wall and just show her love as if she currently IS the person you want/believe her to be...love can do some profound $hit...also that way if it doesnt work out b/w ya's, u will have no regret cuz you'll know u did best you could :bigjoint:
Are You Five-O ?

This simple test will sort you out:

1) turn volume way uUUPP

2) actually listen to song

3) if you can honestly say this song is "Not Bad Azz," then chances are YOU are a Nark or Informa (<--yez eye no deez too wurdz missp3lled)

A respected contributor once thought out loud,

what is this thread about

This what I think it's about and thought I'd give ya'll shout out...

This thread is bout sharin'...

pain followed by urine ( @Unclebaldrick )
Blowing semen out ya nether hole ( @Downtowntillman )
Some dude riding buffalo ( @ForRealz )
Snoop and some mo $hit,
Super Hans party dont quit ( @ForRealz )
A woman who didnt make it and now she's passed ( @ZaraBeth420 )
Pic of this cat blowing it out his ass ( @6ohMax )

Feminine odor, that's all she has to say ( @ZaraBeth420 )
Yo that seems gay ( @Eltomcat )
Gay you say, Ill show you gay ( @ZaraBeth420 )
Cool fact bout what Conan and them say ( @ChingOwn )
Another gay from DNA (@ForRealz )

In '98 he smoked some laced shit, someone playin tricks ( @6ohMax )
He's saying "Chicks with Dicks" ( @Trousers )
Super Hans loves him some crack ( @limonene )
@greenghost420 never came back

He's dropping a deuce, couldnt wait to go ( @Eltomcat )
Strawberry, strawberry is the neighborhood ho ( @ForRealz )
"Fuck Chip Kelly" so says Snoop ( @racerboy71 )
FIDLAR is a dope azz group ( @ForRealz )

Care for your 'gina, whatever you do ( @Aeroknow )
His fist is steady slangin' goo ( @Elwood Diggler )
Eazy, Too $hort and Two Live Crew ( @ForRealz )
"Jam on it" shows how gangsta's "do" ( @abe supercro )
Have a drink, pop one... or two ( @qwizoking )

Oh $hit! Rerun got moves ( @Aeroknow )
Pic of dude wants to join Bieber's crew ( @littleflavio )
MMA guy squirted out pooh ( @ForRealz )
Chick with dookie bottom too ( @srh88 )
Deer bucked up some duu... ( @ForRealz )
Stuck in traffic, that aint koo ( @Eltomcat )

Whiz, freestylin, gettn loose ( @limonene )
Man, he's dropping Another deuce ( @Eltomcat )
Brick + Mortar make a good team ( @ForRealz)
Couple cool tracks from Ween ( @6ohMax )
Stoned out reporter cant say what he means ( @Dr.Pecker )

A bongsmilie dedicated to the Unknowns who trillz ( @ForRealz )
And one to Liam Neeson cuz he got skills ( @Bublonichronic )
Peeps like animals, thats no shock ( @ForRealz , et. al )
Dude said "What a beautiful cock" ( @TheOmenCrow )

That squid dissection was the $hit ( @Nyan Rapier )
I got frustrated a bit ( @Kind Sir )
"You got this" ( @Downtowntillman and @ForRealz )
Lets talk about death, baby ( @theexpress )
Yo here is somethin funny ( @ForRealz )
Thanks for kind words, G ( @Kind Sir )
How to tell if you a C to da O to tha P ( @ForRealz )

And that is just a few tings I see...
A respected contributor once thought out loud,

This what I think it's about and thought I'd give ya'll shout out...

This thread is bout sharin'...

pain followed by urine ( @Unclebaldrick )
Blowing semen out ya nether hole ( @Downtowntillman )
Some dude riding buffalo ( @ForRealz )
Snoop and some mo $hit,
Super Hans party dont quit ( @ForRealz )
A woman who didnt make it and now she's passed ( @ZaraBeth420 )
Pic of this cat blowing it out his ass ( @6ohMax )

Feminine odor, that's all she has to say ( @ZaraBeth420 )
Yo that seems gay ( @Eltomcat )
Gay you say, Ill show you gay ( @ZaraBeth420 )
Cool fact bout what Conan and them say ( @ChingOwn )
Another gay from DNA (@ForRealz )

In '98 he smoked some laced shit, someone playin tricks ( @6ohMax )
He's saying "Chicks with Dicks" ( @Trousers )
Super Hans loves him some crack ( @limonene )
@greenghost420 never came back

He's dropping a deuce, couldnt wait to go ( @Eltomcat )
Strawberry, strawberry is the neighborhood ho ( @ForRealz )
"Fuck Chip Kelly" so says Snoop ( @racerboy71 )
FIDLAR is a dope azz group ( @ForRealz )

Care for your 'gina, whatever you do ( @Aeroknow )
His fist is steady slangin' goo ( @Elwood Diggler )
Eazy, Too $hort and Two Live Crew ( @ForRealz )
"Jam on it" shows how gangsta's "do" ( @abe supercro )
Have a drink, pop one... or two ( @qwizoking )

Oh $hit! Rerun got moves ( @Aeroknow )
Pic of dude wants to join Bieber's crew ( @littleflavio )
MMA guy squirted out pooh ( @ForRealz )
Chick with dookie bottom too ( @srh88 )
Deer bucked up some duu... ( @ForRealz )
Stuck in traffic, that aint koo ( @Eltomcat )

Whiz, freestylin, gettn loose ( @limonene )
Man, he's dropping Another deuce ( @Eltomcat )
Brick + Mortar make a good team ( @ForRealz)
Couple cool tracks from Ween ( @6ohMax )
Stoned out reporter cant say what he means ( @Dr.Pecker )

A bongsmilie dedicated to the Unknowns who trillz ( @ForRealz )
And one to Liam Neeson cuz he got skills ( @Bublonichronic )
Peeps like animals, thats no shock ( @ForRealz , et. al )
Dude said "What a beautiful cock" ( @TheOmenCrow )

That squid dissection was the $hit ( @Nyan Rapier )
I got frustrated a bit ( @Kind Sir )
"You got this" ( @Downtowntillman and @ForRealz )
Lets talk about death, baby ( @theexpress )
Yo here is somethin funny ( @ForRealz )
Thanks for kind words, G ( @Kind Sir )
How to tell if you a C to da O to tha P ( @ForRealz )

And that is just a few tings I see...

Damn, you're talented.
I wish I could talk about it, but I just feel so ...... I dunno ..................... asghaimed ........and..........and...............like dirty
I wish I could talk about it, but I just feel so ...... I dunno ..................... asghaimed ........and..........and...............like dirty
You may be experiencing "deep down butt hurt," and you may find it difficult to fully express yourself; however, you may find that sharing helps to alleviate the discomfort and that it has a beneficial, almost therapeutic effect :hump:
Let's talk about death... And accepting that we all die.

I'm feeling that getting closer and closer. My hearts all fucked up. I'm full of stents and shit just to keep my fucked up wiring firing at least some. I can't quit smoking so.....
Yeah... it's gonna be sooner than later. ( much sooner )

" I am not afraid of dying....anytime will do....why should I be afraid ? Theres no reason for it "
```Pink Floyd

" I don't mind dying but...I'm scared to suffer ya'know...."
~~Tom Petty