Well-Known Member
I disagree, with seedlings it is imperative that you allow the coco to dry between waterings, otherwise you end up with the issues the OP has. Once the root system is established you should not let the coco dry and the possibility of over-watering is very unlikely, but while the plant is still a seedling the "you can't ever over-water coco" thing does not apply, nor does the "never let coco dry out" maxim.
Issues, what issues? My temp's were too high to begin with, that was my issue. That has stunted the growth, they have now picked up very well from the changes I've made within the last few days. I also let the coco dry before I water again, once every 2-3 days on average. I understand the fundamentals of how a plant works. You're making a huge deal out of this "Overwating, underwatering" conundrum. It's not that diffucult, you water once pot feels light, or the top inch of the soil is dry. Simple. I'm not some idiot. I made a slight mistake with my hygrometer to begin with. tis all
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