Yoda's Weed

Oh yeah. Those are side lighting lol. I have an Onyx Bloom at 18 inches above it. And I keep my daytime and nighttime temps less than 12 degrees apart to slow the stretch
Yeah that will help a ton for powdery mildew as well which I have gotten in the past :( try to keep under 10F swing between lights on and lights off XD
Okay, nice tip! I haven't had to deal with anything besides soil gnats a little, fingers crossed, but I have heard horror stories! Thanks!:bigjoint:

I just used ladybugs for the gnats/what may have been root aphids lol, they cleaned them up good!
Just harvested my Golden Goat and Money Maker plant wow it was a lot of trimming on the money maker plant took me 14 hours and I had friends helping! Yield was insane I will post pictures when dried / cured.