Yoo From England!


Just wana say a quick hiii! Im 20 and from West Yorkshire and im currently a bum! :cry:
Iv been reading the forums for the last week or so now, It seem'd friendly so i thought id join :)
Iv never grown anything in my whole life (Maybe a runner bean in school when i was 4/5 :neutral:)

But after reading this forum iv decided to change that, I ordered a Dinafem : Roadrunner Automatic #2 (Someone suggested it on another forum, No idea if it will grow outside at 53 Lattitude) which came yesterday afternoon! I decided to use the 'Paper towel trick' to germinate my seed, Who knows if it works.. (Hopefuly it will xD) Its been in the paper towel for around 20 hours now, So hopefully sometime tomorow i can pot it up and slap it in my window sill :D Im not using any lights or any equipment.. I just wana see if it grows in my window, Maybe when it gets too big ill re-plant it in the forrest by my house in sunny Yorkshire..

Any advice is much apreciated... But remember im a complete noob haha!

Anyway, Happy Smoking! :joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, growing your own is the best way to go :mrgreen:, just make sure you don't leave it on a sil thats in plain view to your street of you'll have the law knocking on your door :wink:
Stay up's!!


Haha ;) Its in my bedroom window at the back of my house! The only person who will be seeing it wil be the window cleaner haha!

Just checked my seed now, Looks like its ready to be planted! :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Howdy :)

Personally i'm never an advocate of growing plants in windows when in locations where it's rather illegal so fingers crossed for ya and all that lot. search up the UK growers thread, think there are some yorkshire folk in there amongst the scots.


Hi peeps,
my name is sam, i was recently diagnose with MS and was told marijuana was the best meds to stop these muscle pains.
i brought some off a friend and it work(the best sleep i had for a long time),so i thought i'll grow my own but as it is illegal(ive never done anythng illegal in my life) i was cautious but as it is for medical reason i say screw it.
i am 1 week into my grow and its looking good, my baby is alive and well.
ive done a lot of research on growing, and theres a lot of conflicting info out there.
im hoping i can get some input from here,is my this soil mix ok,
50% compost,
10% soil,
10% worm casting,
15% perlite and 15% vermiculite.
any suggestions to improve on this would be appreiciated.



Welcome Sam!

You seem a little more advanced than me ;) I just got some Multi-purpose compost and wacked it in a pot haha! You have Any pictures?


From Germination to a little Sproutling :leaf:

Sorry for the REALLY Poor pictures, But its the best my Blackberry will take :neutral:

Any advice is welcome..

(Seed was planted 2 days ago, The last pic was taken this morning)



from my research Multi-purpose compost is ok but need more nutrients, worm castings are only bout £3 from a garden centre only problem is im not sure how much to add so i just put a hand full.
my cam bats r dead but when their charged i willl post a pic of my lil baby


Well-Known Member
read here...


Hi peeps,
my name is sam, i was recently diagnose with MS and was told marijuana was the best meds to stop these muscle pains.
i brought some off a friend and it work(the best sleep i had for a long time),so i thought i'll grow my own but as it is illegal(ive never done anythng illegal in my life) i was cautious but as it is for medical reason i say screw it.
i am 1 week into my grow and its looking good, my baby is alive and well.
ive done a lot of research on growing, and theres a lot of conflicting info out there.
im hoping i can get some input from here,is my this soil mix ok,
50% compost,
10% soil,
10% worm casting,
15% perlite and 15% vermiculite.
any suggestions to improve on this would be appreiciated.



day 6 of my grow n my baby looks beautiful.
my temp is 25/29 C, 38% humidity.
from my research they say i need humidity at 45/70% but logic tells me the higher the humidirty the greater the chance for mold,
is my logic wrrong?


Well-Known Member
you only need to worry about mold when you have bud

day 6 of my grow n my baby looks beautiful.
my temp is 25/29 C, 38% humidity.
from my research they say i need humidity at 45/70% but logic tells me the higher the humidirty the greater the chance for mold,
is my logic wrrong?


Nice to see the UK growing spirit alive, i'll be following. I'm just coming to the end of my own first grow, im 4.5 weeks into flower. I would never claim to be an expert but i've read a looooooot while i grow so if you have any questions post them on this thread and i'll try to help, i've learnt a lot of do's and don'ts through my 1st grow and if i dont KNOW then i will just say that, too many people on here giving their opinions as facts. Have fun guys


Hey, thanks topgun! Seen as though you asked... Iv got a few little nooby questions..

1. As you can see the pot is fairly small, I read somewhere that when you water.. Lift the pot up and if the weight has changed a fair bit you know youv watered it enough.. I did that & Water did ended up dribbling out of the bottom of the pot! Is that normal? Or did i put too much in?
2. Atm the soil ontop is quite dry, But sticking my finger about 1" down it does still feel moist, Do i still water or wait another day or 2?
3. Nutes.. When do i add some? Do i even need any? I found some in my garage today (NPK = 24-8-16) Is that okay to use?


i started giving mine a lil nitrigen mix when the sirated leaves developed

1 quesrtion topgun, my leaves r a lovly green but my sten is pale, is that a worry?
n do i have to worry bourt co2, dont want to suffercate her.