New Member
i live in a pretty large town i get jippped a fucking lotwhich really pisses me offfff i want to fucking start daling and i cant if i keep getting jupe. i got jipped 40 dollars, cause the kid said he was gonna go pick up the weed after i gave him the money. never came back. then i gave my "friend" 20 bux to get me cigarrs and chew. never got my shit. then just tiday this kid took 80 bucks from me then after he had my money he handed my grass in a badddd all folded up. ALL of these kidd who beat the shit out of me cause 1. they have more friends than me and 2. there older than me. now if the kids jipping me were only a couple years older it would be no problem id bbrakke to i get peeople to stop jipping me. i no a few olda kids who could fight for me but idk if they be willing to because there my hook ups. gimme sme advice thanks yo