

RIU Bulldog
fake weed sour d-zl high quality works just like weed and got the munchies
Hey man, keep doing your thing. Whatever works for you.
Personally I wouldn't smoke it unless it was free and I was desperate, but whatever keeps you high!



Well-Known Member
that fake weed works great. but it is not natural, and shud be used only wen is needed.

smoked it myself for a year straight. was in the military an was trying to be as legal as possible
this fake weed got me high a'f haha and i'm not smoking real weed is cause i'm on probation and get tested like every 2 weeks


New Member
I smoked that fake shit twice and now I can't get high off anything marijuana related no matter the quality or how much I smoke. Just don't do it.


New Member
hell yea the high is great, its like marijuana but you're so comfortable and confident. Down side is that if you smoke too much you get sick. Also the tolerance skyrockets very quickly, I've been sober for almost 2 months and still can't get high. I made a thread about it, just in case it happens to you, take omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Flax seed oil has the highest amount of omega 3 and hemp oil is a runner up. I take 3 grams (max daily recommended dose) of flax along with making bread with hemp oil and am hoping for the best. The mail order marijuana site I bought mushrooms through is giving out .5 grams of hash if you use UPS to send your order, so we'll see if my 2 month break helped.