good job virtue signalling your heterosexuality. i was really unsure if you were heterosexual or not but then i saw the overcompensatory avatar and i was like "that dude has totally got to be heterosexual and in no way insecure about it and trying way too hard to prove it to everybody"
good job virtue signalling your heterosexuality. i was really unsure if you were heterosexual or not but then i saw the overcompensatory avatar and i was like "that dude has totally got to be heterosexual and in no way insecure about it and trying way too hard to prove it to everybody"
good job virtue signalling your heterosexuality. i was really unsure if you were heterosexual or not but then i saw the overcompensatory avatar and i was like "that dude has totally got to be heterosexual and in no way insecure about it and trying way too hard to prove it to everybody"
I missed you too man. Glad to know you never stopped being a piece of shit either. You can hetero shame me all you want, but I think you just want to shame me in general, is that your kink? Don't worry, I disappoint me as well.
One time I got burrito shamed by a bunch of beaners. Alls I was doing was eating my burrito and then these brown crusty dudes came up to me and said “why you eat all our burritos homes?”
I was like dammit the fuck, burrito shaming is for realz...
I missed you too man. Glad to know you never stopped being a piece of shit either. You can hetero shame me all you want, but I think you just want to shame me in general, is that your kink? Don't worry, I disappoint me as well.
I missed you too man. Glad to know you never stopped being a piece of shit either. You can hetero shame me all you want, but I think you just want to shame me in general, is that your kink? Don't worry, I disappoint me as well.
You know all the secrets. You are like a low budget Nancy Drew the autistic box car kid they cut out of the books for never really doing anything except masturbating into potted plants. I'd read that book.