You are all going to laugh at me..


Well-Known Member
In my Army days a couple of my buddies lived off post in a half finished house.

We used to mess with our one roommate who couldn't roll worth a shit. We finally got him to roll 2 paper joints.

That's when the fun started.

We would smoke with him..... but NO 2 PAPER JOINTS... hahaha

I'm sure he got the the hang of it. :mrgreen:

P.S. I used to roll joints with 1 hand on the back of an M60 Tank going thru the jungle.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Hey i suck at rolling too. My joints always are pregnant and loose. Here's a tip though if you have loose joints like me. Just like a joint roller above. Take your joint that's all loose and turn it around and put it in a dollar bill. Use the dollar bill like the joint rolling machine and you'll get a nice tight joint. You can really make them too tight especially if they are small and you can't hit them. If you try to roll it the same direction as your initial roll it won't really shape right and it kinda falls apart. Good luck i can't roll a blunt to save my life, good thing I don't really like tHEM,---STUPID CAT!


Well-Known Member
but I suck at rolling joints. Always been a bowl, bong, or blunt fan. The 3B's

But I have a pack of wraps and I need to learn how to roll a joint and blunt, I have looked at some crappy youtube videos, but wondering if anyone here had a perfect guide to rolling a joint or a video or something.

Teach me, I will be your Padawan. :weed:
i learned by using the lined notebook paper in my binder for college lmao..after i rolled around 5-6 notebook joints i could roll reg papers like zig zags just fine. note book joints are easier to roll because the paper is thicker, so you are able to learn the technique & roll them tight as f*ck without dropping herb or messing up the paper


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm surprised about all the people on RIU that said they can't roll a joint!
I can roll perfect dubs, and I've only been rolling for a short time.

Nobody ever showed me either, my best friend was crazy at rolling joints and I watched him do it like 3487538794578934 times.
Finally I picked up a paper and tried, perfection.

I'll make a video probably tomorrow on how to roll a perfect joint... everyone always says my joints look machine rolled.
i got an easy way of rollin for you guys take your paper and you kno how theres a crease in the middle well fold up the non-gummed end to the crease now just fill the middle with bud, lick your thumb and pointer fingers on both hands that way it gives you a better grip, now slowly roll the paper down to the bud and now you just tighten it all up by rolling squeezing and rolloing back and forth now when you got a nice tight line across the bottom, take the non-gummed end and pinch it right in the middle and roll it from the middle out, and if you have a hard time with that just fold the corners on the non-gummed side


Well-Known Member
i say start with 1.5's. fold the paper less then half way. fold the ends so the stuff dont fall out. hold the paper in one hand, fill with the other. position your pointer fingers in front of the paper, middle fingers behind, and thumbs underneath. start a twisting motion but dont roll it up yet, just twist it to get the form. now with your fingers squeeze down but not too tight (starting in the mid) and glide your thumbs up and pointer and middle fingers down, keeping a firm squeeze on it. and finish the outsides the same way. when you get the 1.5 down good, then switch to the smaller papers.


Well-Known Member
man i still roll blunts a little sloppy for bout 4 years now, but only cause someone else rolled. joints though i never even tried.


Active Member
maybe ill try and get a video camera and make a good rolling lesson

hey mooby, do you smoke ciggs? i got alot better at rolling perfect joints after i started getting rollie tobacco. something about NEEDING to roll makes it easier to do lol

just practice man, sit down and roll the same joint as many times as you need to until it comes out perfect, if its not perfect break it open and try again

and tell your friend to stop making fun of you and teach you something
I vape now on ecigs if you have ever heard of them. Smoking without the death lol. All it is is nicotine, flavoring, and glycol to create a water vapor when exhaled. I review them and the liquids on my site.


My friend is a fucking twat. I hang out with him becuase he is the only friend IRL I have left. He literally is a dick, but he can be funny and he is someone to smoke with sometimes.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Blunts are easier, IMO, get em nice and moist, and
they are real maleable. I started with original swisher
sweets, got the hang of it after about 3-4 tries, just
pile the crumbled herb in minus stems, because they
can be detrimental to the integrity of the blunt wrap.
Once the herb is in there you begin shaping it within
the wrap, lightly at first because it is very fluffy and
easy to mis handle, but once you have begun to make
it cylindrical you are able to begin pressing it firmer and firmer.
Now here is the tricky part, because you don't want it tooo
tight, or you won't be able to suck through,just get it to
a rollable shape, one which will be easy to roll, and then I
start at the mouth end, because it is the easist to get tight
and small, and then just work my way down, pinching, licking
rolling, unrolling and over and over until you achieve the final
lick and roll. Hope that helps.


New Member
Mooby....go online and buy some "pouches" papers. They are prebent and glued to form a natural pouch to keep the weed in the neds as you roll. great for beginners and spastics (you decide which you are :lol:)