You can learn a lot from a dummy!

Just wanted to share with you some things I have learned from this place and experience. I bought this fancy closet set up and started growing hydroponically, ebb and flow, with a 400w and 600w set up to perpetually keep 22 plants in stages, finishing 11 4.5 feet plants every 45 days. Everything was going beautifully until the first problem. I didn't know how to use a timer and instead of 12/12 I went from 18/6 to 24/7 and used all my space. Well..... I chopped them all in half and then did the 12/12 correctly, killing 6 of 11 plants in the process. So I have 5 plants flowering quite nicely. Now I am a quiet kind of fellow and I had a partner and a girlfriend. Nobody else in the free world knew that I was growing...... wrong...... long story short, broke up with girlfriend and 2 of her friends told me to move whatever I was doing because the ex and her new flame were planning to rob me. Sooooo..... I jerk out the not finished ones and dried them anyway...... not very good but gave ya a buzz crap. The young vegged ones I put outside. Mind you I had these hydroponic things in 6 inch Grodan cubes. I planted the cubes in dirt. They did ok. Some died, others didn't. It's September and they are budding but the yield would be really weak so I thought.... let's pull these weak a$$ plants inside and see if I can reveg for clones. I put them in the closet under 24/7 and lo and behold I just cut clones yesterday. I couldn't believe that they went from full bud back to veg and lots of new growth. We'll see if the stress causes Hermie or not. Anyhow, learned a lot from the experience and thought I'd share. Be careful out there Ladies and Gents!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
shit if you think someone is going to rob you just invest about $150 into a nice camera setup and put them wherever the most likely entry points are. near your plants put some tacky note like "smile for the camera fuckbag. by the way your nasty pussy burned a hole in my car seat" and just live your life man. the video will allow you to ruin her/him/them at will. that's b+e with some kind of intent. why kill plants on the "maybe" that you might be robbed when you can just fuck the bitch over? good story though. how long were you with the bitch? imo you have to know someone well over a year to even be able to wonder whether they are trustworthy enough. it makes me sad to see stories like this. if just one person sprouts some common sense from reading this it's a major contribution.
I was with her for 2 1/2 years. Wasn't gonna do the camera. Who would I turn it in to, the cops? I was going to turn on the CO2 and see if it knocked them out or worse. But.... I don't look good in orange and that would have been premeditated. Anyhow, lesson learned.