You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage

NAFTA was indeed only Mexico, Canada and the United States. Is China, et. al, part of that trade agreement? I never heard that to be the case. We do have trade agreements with China, et. al, however I'm not sure they are part of NAFTA as many assert.

According to this: we have free trade agreements with 20 countries, China not being one of them. Not that China is central to this debate. As far as I know, we don't have an open free trade agreement with China.

Isn't it funny that in a free country purporting to have a free market government tells people who they can trade with and how much their extortion will be for doing business on their turf?
show me an apartment in denver that comes in at 30% of a full time min wage worker's wages then.

go ahead, your hypothetical was so convincing and realistic.

If there is a high demand, what restricts the supply from increasing? Who or what skews the "invisible hand" of the free market?

Just wanted to say I've enjoyed the civil back and forth here. Thanks man. I know you think I'm off my rocker, but you've been able to think that without getting into the silly name calling stuff that goes on way too much here.
Isn't it funny that in a free country purporting to have a free market government tells people who they can trade with and how much their extortion will be for doing business on their turf?

If you are referring to tariffs, they make sense.

I'm telling you that transportation from one part of the world to another is comparatively lower than it was 60 years ago. If that concept is too difficult to grasp, the rest is a waste of my time.

you could quit crying and just cite it already.

but honestly, i prefer your meltdowns.
as far as you know we don't have a trade agreement with China, but then you were shown that we indeed do have a trade agreement with China. Called Most Favorable Nation which we made permanent in 2001.


Some horses can be brought to water, but you can't make them drink. They choose to go without, and then wonder why they will die of thirst.

Too bad you don't know the difference between a trade agreement and a FREE trade agreement.

Not my fault your reading comprehension fails you.
I always got "Don't you want the company to succeed? sometime you need to give up something for the greater good, don't you want to know you'll have a job, that's why we need you to (give up benefits,pay more for benefits, take a pay cut,etc,etc) oh and good news, we made 10% more profit this year.." :finger:

I was always the bad guy amongst other employees because they couldn't see the companies record profits year after year as we got shit cut..they fell right into the "if the company doesn't do good you won't either" mentality, even though the better the company did..we didn't see any of it..not a damn thing for our 50,60,80,100hr weeks, our holidays we were told we had to work or lose our jobs, then when it came review was always amazing how the company was "in a bad period" and couldn't swing any raises this year..or last year..or the year before..but always had profits at least 10% above the last years...

Ya know how they say environment effects your perception....yeah F big business, F our economy..i want it to burn...:fire:

my company kushy fortune 500 is and was debt free..yet they came and told us we were going to give up our 401k match in order to not start laying off the hourlys..they then told us if we didn't agree they would tell the hourlys it was because of sales..this was only to be for one the beginning of the 3rd year with 'maybe this christmas'..maybe? give me back my benefit? part of my overall compensation package? extort me in front of the other employees? enough was enough.
Too bad you don't know the difference between a trade agreement and a FREE trade agreement.

Not my fault your reading comprehension fails you.

If government is involved the term "free trade" is being abused. Your cognitive dissonance betrays you.
GE, Phillips and Sylvania helped push through the new incandescent bulb ban effectively killing any competition they had out there. Lithonia lost hundreds of good paying jobs since then in an area already decimated by textile jobs losses. Not Obama though, Bush was the fuckhead in chief at the time. Sure it was dem legislation but the fuckhead still made into law and deserves blame.

YAY!! curly light bulbs! the world has been saved!!!

but have you seen the buds those curly bulbs grow..:weed::lol: