You damn yanks dont know the half of it

I think the public transport takes about that long here. A friend of mine had to ride the bus to work for a while, 20 mile trip, took him like 90 minutes one way. But you do what you have to.
Right now I'm paying $460.50 a week for fuel and we dont have public transportation here were I live....Although there is always other ways to get around friends,family,church and other nonprofit organizations!!!Lets not forget about bicycles, electric scooters and the like...So really if people would just quit using the great machines elixir of life then we really would not have to worry about it now would we...I dont know just my opinion..
let me remind you smokeh that its not just fuel but food prices are being driven sky high because of fuel prices. so fuel isn't the only thing thats putting a dent in everyones wallet.
omg, i cannot believe americans are complaining of petrol prices, wtf?!

u guys get it for like .20p a litre. its going up to at least £1.14 per litre in the UK thats like, .... $2.30.

how would u feel if u guys had to pay that. ud be a pretty pissed of country eh

That's why you guys ride bikes/scooters, right?
We need to get off oil, its like we are addicted like a fucking junkie. We gatta have it. We need alternatives fuel sorces but no one seems to want to come up with anything. Sure lets use corn, see what that did to food prices? We are fucked.
If you want to cut down on fuel consumption and get better gas mileage then you can always use BROWNS GAS together with your regular fuel (gas,desiel)...look it up im not tryingto pimp anything but their is a couple of companies make the setup oyou can make your own its that my post above is my weekly fuel overhead for my work truck(gas) and my pump(desiel). i will let you all know how it wentand how much i saved...should be alot from what i read....
We need to get off oil, its like we are addicted like a fucking junkie. We gatta have it. We need alternatives fuel sorces but no one seems to want to come up with anything. Sure lets use corn, see what that did to food prices? We are fucked.

We could use hemp, but its illegal to grow.
The lack of public trans is the main reason Americans are in shock over the gas prices. That and the fact that cheap gas and huge cars have become the de facto religion around here, more so than say, Christianity. Many cities were designed around the family automobile so getting around without one is a serious hardship. It is clearly not a sustainable way of life, but they never tell you that on the Tee Vee. Petro is now about $3.90 today and Americans will soon be pining for the days of under $4 gas. It is unlikely to occur again any time soon if at all.

"Something is happening, but you don't know exactly what it is- do you Mr. Jones?"