Based on the President's proposed budget and the GDP it would have to be a 20%tax.
I would rather be able to determine when i have to pay that much tax (we are paying it anyway) as a consumer, rather than having it taken from me with out me being able to have any say in the matter (to me this is criminal).
That's kind of the problem. If you could determine when you paid taxes, you would probably pay less of them, the government would make less money, and then would have to raise taxes to pay for things.
I read the Cliff notes (figuratively) of the "Fair Tax" plan, and even though they claim it's 23%, they use creative math to calculate that figure. Assume something costs a dollar. The "Fair Tax" would add 30 cents onto its price. 30% tax right? Nope, say the "Fair Tax" people, that's only a 23% tax, since the tax is 23% of the total cost, which is $1.30. But it's dishonest, since we're used to thinking of sales tax calculated the old fashioned way.
This was the explanation provided for the assault on the protesters at the conventions, that's a very narrow definition of terrorist.
I don't recall hearing about that, which is what prompted my question. The DNC and RNC have the right to keep protesters out of the convention area, after all they are private events. They typically have rules regarding how close protesters can get. People definitely see them, but are still able to attend the events. Who called them terrorists anyway?
I can't wait till I have the means to travel (not to far off I hope). Who knows I may find a place I don't want to leave. I am slightly infatuated with living in SA at some point, so much to be learned and seen.
SA = South America I assume? Yeah, I'd like to move down there for a couple years at some point. I was in Chile for a month, about a year and a half ago, and I didn't want to come back. They're so laid back and friendly down there, it's great. They almost remind you of a bunch of stoners, but they're like that all the time.