FFS, please tell us that's Sharpie & not India Ink. 

I pissed in the kitchen sink one time because the bathroom was occupied. I also took a shit along the interstate one day because it was either that or shit my pants. I eat a lot of spicy food.
I bought a tattoo gun and gave myself these master pieces
My noticable favourites are the smiley face, the "#1" is because it was the first one i did because i was "bored"
and the knaughts and crosses with "travis" written under it, was a game we played with the gun and he won so he got to put his name there <3
the dinner date one is to long to bother explaining
The "oink" is also another long story ;P
There are a few others but fuckit.
Diagnosis: Acute Psychosis brought on by consumption of tainted marijuana.
Sorry Hempy, I read your file.
Diagnosis: Acute Psychosis brought on by consumption of tainted marijuana.
Sorry Hempy, I read your file.
I pissed in the kitchen sink one time because the bathroom was occupied.
I wipe my dogs ass. just don't want shitty dog ass on my new carpet.
Sometimes, to save a little time, I'll wipe before I shit... You can use a LOT less toilet paper that way!
Are you Justin Bieber? I hear he pisses anywhere he wants to. Cannot be trained to the potty.