You got no ice cream! You got no ice cream! You on the welfare. You want some? PSYCH!

Kramer Chids

Active Member
I figured I could pretend for a bit and be the mean kid from Delirious since I got something AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME today and I just feel like bragging, showing off, whatever. I'm actually just so dang stoked for these beans. WOW!!!

Firehouse Genetics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats going to be fun to watch bro. Delirious... is that the one that Eddie goes off on Bill Cosby for chastising him about using bad language in his shows? maybe I'm thinking about Richard Pryor. They both did good Cosby imitations lol.
Dude I love delirious!!!! That and raw shaped my comedic genius!!! [imitating Richard Pryor] You ever get like sometimes ye get on that toilet and ye shit, that water splash up on yo' ass? Don't that make ye mad, right? You know what really make mad is when the shit is halfway out, then go back up in that mothafocka. Why do shit be teasin' yo' ass? Just get the fuck out, right? You know what really make me mad is when yo' ass don' cooperate whicha then clinch up and break the shit in half? You be mad like a motherfucker too coz you gotta whip yo' ass for 5 hours. Use 12 roles o' toilet paper on that mothafocka. You know what really bother me is when you be strainin' for a long time and one lil' pebble shit comes out? Y' want some shit this big right? Stick yo' head up your ass and say: That all the shit I'm gonn' get mothafocka? And it's afterwards right, when you done with shit, you done all the shittin' you gonna do for the whole day and you flush that toilet and one chunk come back... WHAT DOES THAT CHUNK WANT?
Some killer gear you got there!

Just started some Endless Summer, Dark Knight, and Walking Dead today myself :)

I'll be posting some pics as they come along we can compare and maybe swap some samples.
Thats going to be fun to watch bro. Delirious... is that the one that Eddie goes off on Bill Cosby for chastising him about using bad language in his shows? maybe I'm thinking about Richard Pryor. They both did good Cosby imitations lol.

"Well, tell Bill I said: 'Have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. The Jell-O pudding-eating motherfucker.'"