You got to pay to play INDOORS


Well-Known Member
i will assemble this bad boy and you see how big and bad ass these new bitches are. this is one of many we purchased. as winter gets closer we can power off the ac and start cooling the cheap way



Well-Known Member
Now thats how clones are supposed to look.

Do you use a dome or heat mat?

When tranferring to the rockwool to you bury the whole cube or only bury about 3/4 of the cube into the soil?

very important. i bury it about 1/2 then it will start to show, as it breaks down slowly remove chunks, as the rockwool ages it breaks down and can leave your main stem wobbling and falling over with fruits.

keep good airflow all the time just be nice to the roots out the bottom of the rockwool!


Well-Known Member
nope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got new digital ballasts im telling you can see the difference !


Active Member
Damn Dude, you are GOOD!

Hope you'll chime in when I am struggling to get my first starts off to a good beginng.



Well-Known Member
You have alot of light there, ABS....I may have to help relieve you of the burden of storage. Soon.

And if you dont mind....I'd like to see how you feel about using the Panda Plastic as opposed to the Mylar.


Active Member
Man You Are my hero Everything looks nice maybe some day i can be like you.. i have 2 extra rooms and a closet i am working on how to do my own lol.. thanks for the great pic's man i love it..


Well-Known Member
You have alot of light there, ABS....I may have to help relieve you of the burden of storage. Soon.

And if you dont mind....I'd like to see how you feel about using the Panda Plastic as opposed to the Mylar.

panda is the ONLY way. it is proven to difuse the light. thaats what was found BEST!


Well-Known Member
Man You Are my hero Everything looks nice maybe some day i can be like you.. i have 2 extra rooms and a closet i am working on how to do my own lol.. thanks for the great pic's man i love it..

dont just jump right in. just cuz you see all these 1k lights you must understand these lights cost big money to run.

4 1k light and a few 10000 btu a/c use the same as a family of 5 in a 2500 foot house. be smart not greedy.

you can go big but be prepared to spend big too......


Well-Known Member
it looks close to the size of a softball... lol
its a bit burned but got 2 weeks. someone will love it!

That is WWa2 from the same mother at the start of this tread.

i know one other grower on this site nursing a clone of it too.
he has been working hard on his 3rd gen garden as has been rewarded with
the best genetics i have to SHARE.

please keep your GREED in check and remember this is not just a cash crop, It's only a plant, the more you share and help the better the genetic pool gets. i look foward to the day when we can plant this shit out doors and give it away free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
anytime you need that u have to get rid of some of that let me know lol

if they took it any faster i would be selling them seeds. there are sharks in my pool as soon as its cut they start hunting. i swear they have camera's watchin me cuz the second its ready someone takes it all.


Active Member
oh no man i am not greedy i am just reading.. and learning all i can from you good pepole..