you guys think Odank got popped

My buddy is counting down to the day he gets amanitas and then I was gonna drink his urine

Amanitas suck balls.. Worse experience of my life.. I literally sat next to the toilet for about 4 hours, while my stomach turned like a cement truck.. Fuck. Dat. Shit..

You are better off drinking his piss.. The joke is on him..

Amanitas suck balls.. Worse experience of my life.. I literally sat next to the toilet for about 4 hours, while my stomach turned like a cement truck.. Fuck. Dat. Shit..

You are better off drinking his piss.. The joke is on him..
So you aren't in the can and you still have both kidneys? Cool...

In a couple months...will everyone dump their old accounts and have "dots"? I hate to be behind on new fashion trends...