darth maul
Active Member

<A href="http://www.altgarden.com/site/discount/save.html">

Price: $134.95
Email a FriendCO2 Boost isnt made or built to sustain ppms (parts per million) in larger rooms. CO2 Boost is made to distribute all-natural CO2 directly to your indoor garden. Through extensive testing they have found that direct CO2 distribution is extremely beneficial to plant growth and health. CO2 Boost works from a combination of all-natural ingredients from the compost arena. Those ingredients are mixed and placed in the bucket where the CO2 is then naturally created. The pump is inserted into the bucket and the all-natural CO2 is released to your plants. Even though CO2 Boost is 100% organic product it is completely odorless. Do not store extra buckets. The bucket is activated and has a maximum life of 90 days, after that we suggest purchasing a fresh bucket.
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