You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

Wow, I agree with everyone here on this issue. Everyone made good points.

Jewish tradition is very sacred to the Jews. I respect that, and I respect the Jewish people. But circumcision has got to go. It's a bad practice that amounts, at least in the baby's opinion, to genital mutilation.

And no matter how much people may respect the Jewish people and their traditions, the penis sucking part is only a reality TV show away from having America hate Jewish rabbis like they hate the Duggars. And the rabbis don't deserve that. Of all the religious leaders in the world, I believe that rabbis are the most sincere and benevolent.

But men with their mouths on kids' penises, and cutting parts of kids' penises off, needs to go away and never come back.
I actually like the fact that I can go through life not having to pull back useless flesh every time I need to go pee or clean my weenis.
Hmm, I just had a disagreement with him in this very thread and no such projection occurred. He hates racist shitstains though, so maybe that has something to do with the meltdown you had after your exchange with him.

No not all racist's.Not Israeli racist he's all for them but other than the israeli right wing nut government he's pretty consistent on that subject he's with desert dude
I actually like the fact that I can go through life not having to pull back useless flesh every time I need to go pee or clean my weenis.
If I removed one of your fingers as a child you would grow up to not need or even care about that finger. The foreskin can be similarly compared. You might never know the joy of picking your nose with THAT finger, clearly a terrible loss.

I was circumcised at the age of . . . 22 or 23 I think? It was a decision I made knowing the consequences as an adult. What baby is asked if the want their penis mutilated, what baby can reply?

75% of my sensation, that is what my foreskin was worth.
I have nothing against the Rabbi sucking his own cock or the cock of a person that can give consent, but I'm thinking he's in the same league as the badman, except he's got some religious b.s. to hide behind. Babies can't consent.

If a person capable of giving consent wants it done, it's their business though, but doing it to babies only continues because while weird as hell, it's still considered "normal" and is pushed by medical establishment. Someday people will wonder why the practice was so common, when they look back at these barbaric times.
The real problem is partial amputation of infant boys' penises.

Genital mutilation is an odd, sexual perversion gone mainstream.

I find it humorous to see Buck defending the right of old men to perform fellatio on infants.

it's not fellatio you skinhead rat.
Please expand on your penis fetish, Buck. The GBT members of RIU are highly interested in your rigid standards.

i'm not the one holding my breath and stamping my feet about "sexual mutilation" which looks to be anything but.

also, you are a skinhead rat.