you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania


Well-Known Member
those people have all stated they have been voting for years, they can have the ballot mailed to them and vote absentee. Those are some crazy circumstances, how can Veterans ID not be valid? That's over the line there. I can't believe they wouldn't honor VA papers if the main goal is to win an election, most of those guys want a new CIC.

Veteran's ID in some states is not valid because it is not renewable. These are only a few cases out of hundreds of thousands. I think absentee is the only way to go but I shudder to think how Repubs will subvert that, perhaps they will just lose them.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Damn, those Pennsylvania Republicans want Romney to take the state so fucking bad. Now they'r trying to get Gary Johnson off the ballot. I suspect they will fail, but they will succeed at wasting the libertarians' time and money. Hope this shit backfires on them. Gary Johnson has the potential to steal more Democratic votes than Republican votes.


Wow, just imagine if Republicans had just gotten a plausable, likeable candidate with an only slightly ruffled past on their ticket. Then they wouldn't have to cheat and might have offered some legitimate leadership.


Well-Known Member
had no idea this went on during the primaries, sorry.
Because the outrage wasn't there at that time. Nobody from your leadership cared because it wasn't going to cost them an election. Now that it could, they are pulling the puppet strings and watching you guys dance for them.

I think it's a valid point that if you are going to require ID the first one should be paid for. It's not a valid point that showing ID is unconstitutional. A signature used to be accepted as ID 200 years ago because forgery wasn't really known about or understood. They thought no man could write like another. So by the standards of ID of those times, they actually required ID then too.

If you got arrested and the cops asked for ID, just sign your name instead, it used to work 200 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Because the outrage wasn't there at that time. Nobody from your leadership cared because it wasn't going to cost them an election. Now that it could, they are pulling the puppet strings and watching you guys dance for them.

I think it's a valid point that if you are going to require ID the first one should be paid for. It's not a valid point that showing ID is unconstitutional. A signature used to be accepted as ID 200 years ago because forgery wasn't really known about or understood. They thought no man could write like another. So by the standards of ID of those times, they actually required ID then too.

If you got arrested and the cops asked for ID, just sign your name instead, it used to work 200 years ago.

The problem with your argument is that now, forgeries are possible. If they are, then showing any Id to an election official will make no difference as the ID could well be forced, nulifying the ID requirement.

there is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud in this country. The laws were enacted far too soon for everyone to get proper ID. The call for voter Id in this country is driven by ALEC and not by a group concern over voter ID. This indicates that there is subterfuge afoot.


Well-Known Member
She has a ID A expired drivers license that doesnt have a picture A social security card that doesnt have a picture a Medicare card that doesnt have a picture She also has a bank account at a bank that she hasnt even been to since 1995 when my grandfather died None of these things are valid for voting ETA you are racist because of the things you have said be proud of being a racist even though we all look down on you and your kind
Still don't get it do you?


Well-Known Member
it must be Everytime I google red1966 stormfront He is at the top of the search results
Only because you Google it everyday, from several IP's. Poor little dirtbag thinks he can convince people I'm racist by manufacturing "evidence". Too stupid to know the only results are on this forum.


Well-Known Member
In a pretrial stipulation, Pennsylvania officials said they would offer no evidence that "in-person voter fraud has in fact occurred in Pennsylvania or elsewhere" or that "in-person voter fraud is likely to occur in November 2012 in the absence of a Photo ID law." Pennsylvania officials, who responded to the News21 public-record requests, also reported no cases of Election Day voter-impersonation fraud since 2000.
Yet, SCOTUS agreed with the new law. Suck it up, loser.


Well-Known Member
Only because you Google it everyday, from several IP's. Poor little dirtbag thinks he can convince people I'm racist by manufacturing "evidence". Too stupid to know the only results are on this forum.
lol, there is a stormfront member under your name. getting lazy there, red.