you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania

why don't you document this epidemic of non-citizens voting since it is the core premise of your argument, apparently.

and if the documents required to obtain the ID are sufficient for you, why require the extra step of making people pay money to the government in order to be able to vote? you do know that is against the 24th amendment, yes?

The core premise of my argument revolves around legitimacy and verification. Period.

Be it a photo I.D. confirming citizenship, passport, or, as Uncle Buck mentioned in a previous post, birth certificate, I wholeheartedly support the requirement to verify identity and citizenship prior to casting a ballot in national elections.

.....that pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue.
The core premise of my argument revolves around legitimacy and verification. Period.

.....that pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue.


you stated that we allow non-citizens to choose our elected representatives, so i need you to back that assertion.

get to work, show me the evidence little guy.
Get your lazy ass up and do it yourself.

You probably live in a rich part of town.

Us poor folks know what goes on buddy


you stated that we allow non-citizens to choose our elected representatives, so i need you to back that assertion.

get to work, show me the evidence little guy.
There you go again- Supporting your assetions with Intellectual Dishonesty.

what's intellectually dishonest here? you need the card to vote, and you need to pay the government a sum of money to obtain the card.

make an intelligent argument already instead of just comparing people to hugo chavez for pointing out the unconstitutionality of the law your party is trying to put in place.
I thought it was your party

what's intellectually dishonest here? you need the card to vote, and you need to pay the government a sum of money to obtain the card.

make an intelligent argument already instead of just comparing people to hugo chavez for pointing out the unconstitutionality of the law your party is trying to put in place.
Get your lazy ass up and do it yourself.

You probably live in a rich part of town.

Us poor folks know what goes on buddy

now how it works, smarty.

when someone makes an assertion, the burden of proof is on them to show that the assertion of true.

if it worked the way you say it should, then i could go ahead and say that you are a flaming homosexual who slathers himself in vicks vape-o-rub and gets anally penetrated train style by 17 black men every tuesday, and that would be true until you proved otherwise.

so i guess what i'm saying is that olylifter slathers himself in vicks vape-o-rub and gets anally penetrated train style by 17 black men every tuesday. prove me wrong.
Is scotus in on this

SCOTUS has ruled on a single incident in OH I believe. They came to the conclusion that requring voter ID was not an undue burden on the voter. Of course the voting was somewhat along idological lines (who'd have guessed?) within the some of the rulings were figures showing that a rather disproportionate number of people would be prevented from voting due to a variety of issues surrounding the aqusition of that ID.
Im sure you are

now how it works, smarty.

when someone makes an assertion, the burden of proof is on them to show that the assertion of true.

if it worked the way you say it should, then i could go ahead and say that you are a flaming homosexual who slathers himself in vicks vape-o-rub and gets anally penetrated train style by 17 black men every tuesday, and that would be true until you proved otherwise.

so i guess what i'm saying is that olylifter slathers himself in vicks vape-o-rub and gets anally penetrated train style by 17 black men every tuesday. prove me wrong.
The core premise of my argument revolves around legitimacy and verification. Period.

.....that pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue.

So, it does not matter to you that hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters will be unable to cast their ballots this November.
I thought it was your party

our party put into place a law which was ruled as constitutional by the highest court in the land. after that happened, the righties bitched and moaned for weeks about the new "tax".

but this tax, the unconstiutional poll tax, is just fine and dandy with the hypocrites on the right.

the unconstitutional poll tax was put into place by a GOP legislature, signed into law by a GOP governor, and just upheld by an activist GOP judge legislating from the bench.

sorry to burst your bubble of delusion. at least you have next tuesday to look forward to.
Yea, your wife just called me.

Also, how do you konw my party?

our party put into place a law which was ruled as constitutional by the highest court in the land. after that happened, the righties bitched and moaned for weeks about the new "tax".

but this tax, the unconstiutional poll tax, is just fine and dandy with the hypocrites on the right.

the unconstitutional poll tax was put into place by a GOP legislature, signed into law by a GOP governor, and just upheld by an activist GOP judge legislating from the bench.

sorry to burst your bubble of delusion. at least you have next tuesday to look forward to.

you stated that we allow non-citizens to choose our elected representatives, so i need you to back that assertion.

get to work, show me the evidence little guy.

I would but my mother is making me clean my room, so........

Yea, your wife just called me.

Also, how do you konw my party?

unlikely, as she is sitting right here.

since you have failed to prove that you don't let 17 black men anally penetrate you on tuesday, then it is the case that 17 black men anally penetrate you on tuesday.

i'm only using your standard with regards to burden of proof, so you have no right to complain.
I would but my mother is making me clean my room, so........


and yet another righty fails to provide evidence of this epidemic of voter fraud.

how do you defeat a righty?

ask them to premise their assertions with evidence, apparently.
Im sure you did

unlikely, as she is sitting right here.

since you have failed to prove that you don't let 17 black men anally penetrate you on tuesday, then it is the case that 17 black men anally penetrate you on tuesday.

i'm only using your standard with regards to burden of proof, so you have no right to complain.