Well-Known Member
That dude looks like he could be my Mexican half brother
Aww, somebody lost yet another argument in a long string of defeats. It MUST be time to start posting jpegs. You can ALWAYS count on liberals to try to marginalize their opponents when they have been trounced.
Something better than copy and pasting from liberal sources whose honesty is suspect, at best. Loretta Sanchez, JFK, and Al Frankin were all elected through voter fraud. Al Frankin was the 60th seat Obama needed to get his filibuster-proof Senate. Small injustices create larger ones. Fewer voting days with longer hours as done in Ohio and proposed in Florida is an attempt to INCREASE voter turnout, not inhibit it. I could argue that increasing the number of days while shortening the hours is voter suppression. Voters who don't have ID can easily acquire them. Assuming that everyone who has been too irresponsible or too lazy to get ID is suddenly going to show some gumption and go vote is illogical. How anyone can function in modern society without ID remains a mystery to me. So far, the only examples I've heard of, were people who DON'T function, they just leach. Frankly, this constant whining that EVERYTHING somehow hurts the Democrats is wearing thin.No Red I am not. there are legitimate ways of determining who does not have ID. What numbers would you prefer? Tell me Red,, what would it take to convince you that: 1. A significant number of voters do not have ID 2. Changing voting times in states inhibit voters from voting 3. There is little if any voter fraud in this country
Nothing you posted had any facts to support it. It was all just opinion presented as fact.That's great, you offer no rebuttal, just "that's a whole page of bullshit". I suspect you can't support that particular contention.
Something better than copy and pasting from liberal sources whose honesty is suspect, at best. Loretta Sanchez, JFK, and Al Frankin were all elected through voter fraud. Al Frankin was the 60th seat Obama needed to get his filibuster-proof Senate. Small injustices create larger ones. Fewer voting days with longer hours as done in Ohio and proposed in Florida is an attempt to INCREASE voter turnout, not inhibit it. I could argue that increasing the number of days while shortening the hours is voter suppression. Voters who don't have ID can easily acquire them. Assuming that everyone who has been too irresponsible or too lazy to get ID is suddenly going to show some gumption and go vote is illogical. How anyone can function in modern society without ID remains a mystery to me. So far, the only examples I've heard of, were people who DON'T function, they just leach. Frankly, this constant whining that EVERYTHING somehow hurts the Democrats is wearing thin.
You keep demanding proof of "hundreds of thousands of cases of Voter fraud commited each election cycle in the U.S." There is no need to meet what you think is required. You also claim MILLIONS will be disenfranchised, but lack any proof and do not have the ability to foretell the future. Regardless, SCOTUS and lower courts have already ruled against you. They did not see any need for proof of even ONE case of voter fraud. So your whole argument is irrelevant.Try me Red. Show us the hundreds of thousands of cases of Voter fraud commited each election cycle in the U.S. Show me that. I see a case of projection brewing here.
My opinion is consistent with that of the Supreme Court. Pretty much trumps anything you got.Here again is a case of equality of opinions. IS your opinion equal to the Allegheny County Controler in this matter Red?
Something better than copy and pasting from liberal sources whose honesty is suspect, at best. Loretta Sanchez, JFK, and Al Frankin were all elected through voter fraud. Al Frankin was the 60th seat Obama needed to get his filibuster-proof Senate. Small injustices create larger ones. Fewer voting days with longer hours as done in Ohio and proposed in Florida is an attempt to INCREASE voter turnout, not inhibit it. I could argue that increasing the number of days while shortening the hours is voter suppression. Voters who don't have ID can easily acquire them. Assuming that everyone who has been too irresponsible or too lazy to get ID is suddenly going to show some gumption and go vote is illogical. How anyone can function in modern society without ID remains a mystery to me. So far, the only examples I've heard of, were people who DON'T function, they just leach. Frankly, this constant whining that EVERYTHING somehow hurts the Democrats is wearing thin.
No, he was representing his own opinion. Why should I explain what he said? You can read can't you? Whether Romney wins Pa is unknown at this point.No, he is just the house majority leader in the state of Pa, that's all, he doesn't represent all republicans, just the republicans in power in a swing state. You don't manage to explain what he said, did you Red? I put what he said in context. "gonna allow governor Romney to win the state of PA - DONE" If he does not mean that they enacted the rules in order to give Romney the state, what did he mean Red?
You keep demanding proof of "hundreds of thousands of cases of Voter fraud commited each election cycle in the U.S." There is no need to meet what you think is required. You also claim MILLIONS will be disenfranchised, but lack any proof and do not have the ability to foretell the future. Regardless, SCOTUS and lower courts have already ruled against you. They did not see any need for proof of even ONE case of voter fraud. So your whole argument is irrelevant.
I dunno, but the Supreme Court rejected it also. ID requirements don't "bar" anyone from voting. The sensibility of a hypothetical situation is irrelevant.How can you possibly reject that argument? Suppose one hundred thousand people were barred from voting in order that one case of voter fraud were prevented - would this make sense to you?
Yeah, I remember Al Gore trying to and partially succeeding in disenfranchise military voters. I remember that Bush won the election, even though thousands of legitimate absentee military votes were destroyed by Democratic election officials. I remember Democrats demanding dozens of recounts and Bush still won in all seven recounts. I remember Democrats loudly crying "foul" for years, and still do, yet never found any evidence of fraud other than their own. I remember the Democratic Campaign Headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida buying votes from handicapped residents of a group home on the 3200 block of Plymouth St. with beer and cigarettes. I remember the driver of the bus that took them to the polling place going into the booth with them and "assisting" them to place their vote.All we are seeing here is the mirror image of how the Reps fought anti-fraud requirements while the Dems pushed for it. Remember Florida?
Yeah, I remember Al Gore trying to and partially succeeding in disenfranchise military voters. I remember that Bush won the election, even though thousands of legitimate absentee military votes were destroyed by Democratic election officials. I remember Democrats demanding dozens of recounts and Bush still won in all seven recounts. I remember Democrats loudly crying "foul" for years, and still do, yet never found any evidence of fraud other than their own. I remember the Democratic Campaign Headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida buying votes from handicapped residents of a group home on the 3200 block of Plymouth St. with beer and cigarettes. I remember the driver of the bus that took them to the polling place going into the booth with them and "assisting" them to place their vote.
I don't have to prove your statements wrong, it's you who must prove them correct. My doubt makes YOUR contentions suspect.Show us your numbers then Red. All you have here is your "doubt", and you claim the opinions of officials are of no import but your doubt makes your contentions so?
No, he was representing his own opinion. Why should I explain what he said? You can read can't you? Whether Romney wins Pa is unknown at this point.
1) You just did. 2) ???? 3)You're claiming your assumption proves your assumption. Not logical. 4)His statement didn't say any folks were turned away, just the opposite. They didn't know they would be turned away, the ones who did show up weren't turned away. It is entirely possible, and much more likely, they were just not inclined to vote.1. O'Keefe is generaly recognized (by those who pay attention) as a fraud - but I don't believe in impugning sources. 2. you may have a point, you may have 5,000 non citizens voting. 3. Purging voter rolls has in the past been a path for Republicans to surppress legitimate voters 4. The fact that a few folks were turned away says that..... legitimate voters were dissallowed from voting. Furthermore, it is entirely possible that voters without proper ID simply did not show up at the polls because they knew they would be turned away.
Yeah, I remember Al Gore trying to and partially succeeding in disenfranchise military voters. I remember that Bush won the election, even though thousands of legitimate absentee military votes were destroyed by Democratic election officials. I remember Democrats demanding dozens of recounts and Bush still won in all seven recounts. I remember Democrats loudly crying "foul" for years, and still do, yet never found any evidence of fraud other than their own. I remember the Democratic Campaign Headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida buying votes from handicapped residents of a group home on the 3200 block of Plymouth St. with beer and cigarettes. I remember the driver of the bus that took them to the polling place going into the booth with them and "assisting" them to place their vote.