you HS guys

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i just don't understand how you can consider that a "gang"

it is a group of people that have formed and are "flying colors". they will come into threads now and "back each other up". drama has already started because of it. people will feel "left out". people will feel "ganged up on". we at RIU wish to have a community where everyone is equal. where there are no "special groups", or "gangs" if you will. this is not a witch hunt. it is nothing personal. i have seen it developing over the past several months and now several people have brought it up. it is bringing attention to itself where attention is not needed. as a mod i am trying my best to stop something that i see coming, before it starts. like i said, we've been down this road before.

if it's simply a joke then it won't be any big deal to drop it and remove the avatars.

i really don't want to go thru any nonsense over this.

thanks everyone for understanding. :)
it is a group of people that have formed and are "flying colors". they will come into threads now and "back each other up". drama has already started because of it. people will feel "left out". people will feel "ganged up on". we at RIU wish to have a community where everyone is equal. where there are no "special groups", or "gangs" if you will. this is not a witch hunt. it is nothing personal. i have seen it developing over the past several months and now several people have brought it up. it is bringing attention to itself where attention is not needed. as a mod i am trying my best to stop something that i see coming, before it starts. like i said, we've been down this road before.

if it's simply a joke then it won't be any big deal to drop it and remove the avatars.

i really don't want to go thru any nonsense over this.

thanks everyone for understanding. :)
there is no gang here some people just like to put subway logos in there avatars for a joke nothing more
Meatball marinara, mozzarella, green peppers, black olives, southwest chipotle sauce please
And it's not a gang it's a club
Nah just got confused by the way you said cool and put a smiley after it when it was pretty much an order because a few people felt left out.

No worries then!
Was just about to message you back but ill explain here for everyone to see..

The subway thing was just a joke man... I am Michael Phelps there for it would make sense as to why i have a subway logo in my avatar...

Ill break it down for you right now. One day we were talking about good foods to eat before trips, someone mentioned subway. A bunch of us agreed that we all really love subway... There was even a thread about it, i specifically said anyone that likes subway is more then welcome to join us in our support of subway.

After that a bunch of the HS regular's started putting subway stuff in their avi's to show how much we love subway...

I can understand what you mean about people ganging up on each other and this and that but honestly when have you ever seen any of us do that, all of us are very welcoming, informative, and friendly.

I dont see how having a subway group is any different then any of the other groups people join on here... The bubbleheads, beauties of RIU, etc.

Never realized me liking subway was such a crime..
So you have to donate $$$ to have a group... I would always value information over $$$...

I`m not entirely sure to be honest but if fdd was on about people being left out I saw people ganging up on each other in the toke n talk all the time. Harsh language and all, everything. So basicly it no make sense that way thats why I said :)
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