You know someone is a NEWB smoker when . . .


Ursus marijanus
There's a joke in this somewhere... something about how I got some pills to cure your spelling-police disease... but they're plasibo... damn, my jokes are bad.
One of my unpursued million-dollar ideas was to patent and sell the rights to Extra-Strength Placebo. cn


Well-Known Member
My fav noob move is when they keep saying over and over " i don't feel anything", when it's obvious they're totally baked.
This is actually one of the best. I smoked about four times before I noticed myself getting high. haha. My friends all couldn't believe it. It doesn't happen to everyone. But it did happen to me, about 13 years ago, heh.


Well-Known Member
I may Post a thread on it tonight :) ... I'll post a LINK to it :) - STELTHY :leaf:
There are a couple of 'I can't roll a joint' threads people are already subscribed to and post in that would greatly appreciate it... Urca had one I think. Perhaps we need an ultimate joint rolling 101 Sticky... a collaborative effort :3


Well-Known Member
can't roll joints very well they always stay loos , lolz. but blunts quick fast . .. i just like shells better idk why even the taste is amped


Well-Known Member
can't roll joints very well they always stay loos , lolz. but blunts quick fast . .. i just like shells better idk why even the taste is amped
Yeah I learned blunts first then joints... joints are so dainty and require a really light touch because the paper is so fragile. Blunts are bigger, which is easier with my long ass fingers, and they're so much stiffer it's like night and day... not to mention they're already curled, heh.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to brag but I roll pretty cones. They're pretty fat as well X3

Blunts I found difficult because they wouldn't stick... then I just tried another brand and it worked but mine are very slightly cone-shaped out of habit.

I curl up and take a nap after heavy indica... I guess it's kind of noobish if I'm somewhere random like T-bird's dog bed...


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was a noob and I did a bucket for the 1st time ... lol .. that ended badly lol... I pulled the coke bottle up out of the water in the bucket real slow, I inhaled through the 2L coke bottle at the same time as pushing the bottle down ...(pushing the bottle down is a bad idea) :) I swallowed a shit-load of Bong-like water ...........choked for about 4 minutes then threw-up all down the side of the bucket .... and was still coughing and spluttering for ages after before passing out in my mates conservatory... My mates were "Highly" amused and it sure taught me a lesson ......'Not to push down when hitting a bucket' .... noobs eh !?? .. lol. :) - STELTHY :leaf: