you know what really pisses me off?


Well-Known Member
Lately I've been taking practice SATs, because my parents want me to increase my score, better score, more money for college, you know the drill.

Well unfortunately I'm doing well, but not as well as I had hoped I would be doing, but progressively I'm starting to care less.

My SAT scores don't mean shit to me, and my parents are placing such high importance on it. I wouldn't buy it for a second if it didn't affect my college status + with the money crisis lately paying for college is going to be a bitch.

I suppose I'm just frustrated that it isn't going perfect for me, and I'm having to deal with all of it.

More importantly, I'm not even sure what I want out of life/myself, so modivation to work harder isn't exactly present, and although I've been thought that college is one of my only methods of success ( i know it's not necessarily true, i have other talents, but i'm not utilizing them properly ).

Bleh, fuck this educational system. I'm having trouble creating a clear picture due to the fact I just argued with my parents about all of this shit.

I'd like to say they don't directly reflect my intellect, but they certainly have some bearing, i'm not sure what I'm even saying now..

I guess I'm most pissed off that this education system is the only measure of intellect and success I know, and when I do poorly it's a direct reflection of my own abilities, and it's very misleading and depressing. Not to mention my parents bust my balls over this as well. I hate the fact I've been induced into this enviroment...

As for CC I can pretty easily get into a mid level college, or state college on schlorship, but I've been taught to strive for ivory league, and pesue the places were the 'greatest minds collect'. Pfft. Fucking pretentious shit.

Sorry if this seems whiney, I just need to let it out every once in a while.


Active Member
And would THEY score any better if taking the SAT/ACT? haha I won't even take it. There's nothing wrong with community college. Go for it.
