You know what's wrong with the world today?

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Everyone is so fucking politically correct.

I can't even fart silently in the bank without someone telling me I'm racist. People have all their pseudo-morals and their personal thoughts and think everyone should be juuuust like them.

Sorry if I offend you for using the word retard. I find the word retard to be funny. If you don't like it go cry somewhere.

Sorry if I offend you for using the word faggot. I find the word faggot to be funny. If you don't like it go cry somewhere.

If I was using the words out of hate you would be well aware of it. Stop getting offended and pretending you have morals. For fuck sakes people this is America!

And that brings me to white people who say "N-word". Just because you say "N-word" doesn't make you a halo toting anti-racism advocator.

Bam. I said it. My rant for the day.


Well-Known Member
I agree everyone gets offended by the littlest fuck, what the fuck ever happened to sticks and stones.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Man, I had to explain to my very liberal lesbian friend that telling people they can't use "gay" or "faggot" is no where near being liberal.

I had to calmly explain to her that when I said "gay" I mean "stupid" not "homosexual". Her rebuttle went something like "Well it associates gays with stupidity and it makes the word "gay" seem negative". Seriously, it was like trying to explain something to a child.

Am I the only one who has noticed the evolution of the word gay? For fuck sake the word Dick is a man's name and a "cuss" word.


Well-Known Member
was a day when someone offended you you punched them in the nose or shut up, what I would give to get back there......

For me it's like every time they get a chance to stick it in your face they do, the minorities, gays and everyone with a cause is at it, don't get me started. They have a TV campaign in Canada to get us to stop using the word retard "THATS RETARDED"

I believe in live and let live, but hearing about that shit everyday makes me want to become a hater... flame off

The next mother fucker that says RED NECK gets it and I think I will start a few groups like the white business association or the Jewish Black Lesbian Dwarf association

The world has gone crazie


Well-Known Member
The worst is "holiday tree"...It's not a holiday tree...It's a Christmas tree...fucking goat fuckers.


Well-Known Member
Hilary Duff is so gay.



Well-Known Member
Man, I had to explain to my very liberal lesbian friend that telling people they can't use "gay" or "faggot" is no where near being liberal.

I had to calmly explain to her that when I said "gay" I mean "stupid" not "homosexual". Her rebuttle went something like "Well it associates gays with stupidity and it makes the word "gay" seem negative". Seriously, it was like trying to explain something to a child.

Am I the only one who has noticed the evolution of the word gay? For fuck sake the word Dick is a man's name and a "cuss" word.
No different then when men poke fun at one another saying that is for girls, or girly, or calling each other that is such an insult, to be a woman...I figure women have had to deal with it all these years...gays can too

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Hilary, whooooaaaa, watch out, big celeb telling people with less money how they should talk.

She needs to suck a fat cock.


Well-Known Member
And I have an issue with commercials telling me what I should and shouldn't say...but then again, TV is used to control many of our other thoughts, so why not speech patterns?


Well-Known Member
Fuck the fags, the Jews especially, fat people, Muslims, the mormons, fuck em all. Fuck all of u who take offense and fuck all your mothers.


Well-Known Member
The worst is "holiday tree"...It's not a holiday tree...It's a Christmas tree...fucking goat fuckers.
Hahah I always laugh at shit like that.

I still respect the religion of others and what not, but when I go into walmart I don't see menorah's on rollback lol.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA YES!!! Finally some other ppl agree!!! Its because ppl r fucking ignorante. I was in the Marine Corps and did a pump to iraq and learned a whole fucking lot about the world and the reality is its a shitty place beacuse ppl, for some god forsaken reason, have this false sense of self intitlement. Ppl take WAY to much shit for granted and just dont understand because theve been feed from the tit there whole life. Ppl hardly ever get out and do anything and expect it all. Its fucking crazy!!! Dont get butt hurt around me cuz i tell u to shut the fuck up if ur talkin stupid. If u dont like what i say then dont listen to me and walk away. Dont push ur belifes on me because u think there right cuz thats all uv known. Get out and live. See the world for urselves and open ur eyes. Its a bigger trip than any drug can ever give u. Stop being lemmings and following every dumbass off the cliff lol

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my state actually changed the "department of mental retardation" name to just put it under the umbrella of "department of mental health". now saying the mere word "retardation" in a COMPLETELY clinical or legal context is now somehow offensive.

"retarded" just means slow, always has, always will. it's actually far less demeaning a label than all the pc hyper-categorization bullshit if you ask me. instead of just calling someone slow, we now have to make reference to every fucking diagnosis they ever received. how is that LESS insulting?


New Member
Bottom line is the world is gone to shit and is full of assholes who think everything should be handed to them because they deserve it. If you talk or do things different then they do then your considered a lowlife or troublemaker.Their answer to everything is to make a new law to change things-mostly for the worse,if that don't work then have a rally or protest to get attention. Nowadays everyone seems to think life is one big disney movie and all is nice in the world. Wake the fuck up bunch of goddamn sheep cause there's a wolf with rabies in every crowd and he'll bite you on the ass if you don't get outta the way. I came into this world with a howl and intend on goin out the same way. I feel better now! LOL