You know what's wrong with the world today?

little butch

Active Member
You guys are burning bright !!! I'm soooo pissed about how our country has been derailed by these entitlement preaching democrats. Our latest election should have been a wakeup call for middleclass america. I'm not a racist, but it is ridiculous that more of black america voted in the last election than had ever voted before, for a socialist democrat because he is a "brother",what a bunch of retards!!! They had no clue what this man was about except for his color and his entitlement mentality. They simply knew they would get more free shit from the brother. I'm tired of supporting deadbeats, I don't care what color they are ! I worked hard for what I have, and it burns my ass that all the shiftless lowlifes think that I need to share with them,wether I want to or not. They think our country put them where they are with 150 to 200 year old issues like slavery and segregation. GET OVER IT !!!! It's not a perfect world, but but for minorities it is a better world than they have ever had. Lose the persecuted, entitlement bullshit. Lose the black on black violence and the gang mentality. Lose the racist bullshit that you think gives you the right to change my life !!! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and do the best you can (all colors), and blame you're self if you are too fucking lazy to go look for a job. JUST STAY OUT OF MY POCKET, ASSHOLES !!!! !! WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKING HERD ANIMALS.....YOU WILL BLINDLY FOLLOW ANYONE WHO PROMISES MORE FREE SHIT. DUMB BASTARDS.....

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I'm tired of assholes complaining about spending and wasting money on holiday gifts. FUCK YOU. If you think of it as "wasting money" then don't fucking buy anyone anything. Some of us are scrounging money together just to eat. So if you're just "wasting your money" on holiday gifts, why celebrate Christmas in the first place? It's just a waste after all.

Also, if you're a 25 year old woman who is single, wastes money in bars every weekend and then tries to get sympathy for being in debt, don't talk to me. Ever.