You know you are a grower when...

Can't give it away? I'm
just dont accidentally stop by @StonedFarmer 's house

Cocaine ia my forte

How much u need its 2 a cuban

I only so cubans and up



My girls dealer comes by.

I grab a 4 pack(8 zips) and he goea

"You wasting my time sf, a 4 isnt worth the drive"
Me " bro if your kid wasnt in the car id shoot you fam, fuxk you think 6 grand is for? U want a driver fee u dumb nig?"
Him"k sf shut up bro dont make me hop out
Sf"does it bro"
Damn, i been gone awhile, i can only understand about 73% of this, missed it though
Your official work uniform consists of old shorts and stained t-shirts.

You shower every 2-3 days.

You watch so many day time judge shows that you could pass your State's Bar exam.

You put your 'hot' trash into other people's dumpsters at about 4am.

You leave your house no more than 3 times per week...