You know you're a pothead when:


Well-Known Member
You know you're a pot head when:

You and your boyfriend fix huge carne asada burritos,
and don't even think about fixing the lil brothers anything, because
you're too busy trying to remember how many burritos you ate, and
trying to figure out how much you smoked.

You know you're a pot head when:

You smoke so many bowls in the bong, you're trying to remember
how many you've actually smoked.:leaf:

and oh, the job hunting one was hilarious. thats how I've been feeling
for the last 4 months!!!:-P


Well-Known Member
when it smells like you stepped in shit but its just some resin stuck to your hand

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
When your all your shirts, shoes and sweaters have holes because of the tip of joints that falls off onto your clothes.

When you and the pizza delivery guy are already good friends.

When you can eat half a pizza before you begin to feel any taste.


Well-Known Member
you constantly wear shades...

forget why your going were your going...huh?

you can eat a sack of white yourself.....burp..

you stare at anything for periods of time....hmmmmm

when you walk into a store all the college kids turn around and smile..hey that shite smells good dude...or your grandkid says you smell like her teacher's jacket...

everything is feckng interesting...but it doesn't hold your attention for long


Well-Known Member
Lmao. Teachers go to school smellin like weed now adays? These are the days. Gen Y doesn't know what there missing with all this straight edge hype. :)


Green Thumb of God
you know you are a pot head when you enjoy the smell of a dead skunk in the road.
you know you are a pothead when you consider both noon and midnight "early"


Well-Known Member
When you keep forgetting to remember yourself about something you wanted to remember to do but keep forgetting to do it.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
You know your a pothead when,you wait till the middle of the night when it is blowing snow and icy as hell to see who wants to party.OPH


New Member
i just got to say if your pipe is getting clogged every three days you either have a crappy really small pipe or you smoke so much you should move on to blunts or something

no, and no. glass bongs for the win, i clog and clean all mine after each session. thats how i know i am a pothead.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
You know you're a pothead when you try to convince your parents to start smokin weed.

When you think that there should be a movie about Howard Marks, where Al Pacino plays him.

When you decorate your sativa and pretend it's a christmas tree.

When you can tell if weed on tv shows (Weeds, etc) or movies (The Wackness, Half Baked, Pineapple Express, etc) is real or not.