You know you're a pothead when:


Sr. Verde

you smell nothing but burnt weed all day from the joint/piece being so close to ur nose.

people see you constantly smelling your fingers because they smell like weed.

when your not high for once, and people arent used to you looking not high, so they actually think you are.

when you have made plans for the day, light one. and then go back home and fall asleep.

when your all alone with your dog, and your high, and you trully believe you two are having a telepathic conversation.

i could go on all fuckin night with this one
I 100% agree with everything but the dog part. I do not have a dog :bigjoint:
You know your a pot head when

You can't go to class unless your high
Your dog runs up to you when your about to light up a bowl
Even your spray smells like weed
You buy enough groceries to last a month wake up the next morning to find it all gone

And many others
Oh and one time soooo ripped I fell asleep while toking from a bong woke up choking on it cause it slipped into my mouth (not gay)


Active Member
When your registering for this site, and 40 minutes later your done, after failing to copy the image verification. Goodtimes.

When you thought of a lot to add to this list, and you've forgotten by the time your typing. =|
when going to the pharmacy you see a lady outside at a table with a bunch of little boxes and then do a complete clutch the pearls surprised gasp with a massive smile "are those girl scout cookies???!!!"
day made
i did that yesterday


Active Member
When you find out a big meal is coming (thanksgiving, christmas etc.) and the FIRST thing you think is "oh man, i gotta roll a FATTY"

Sr. Verde

When you find out a big meal is coming (thanksgiving, christmas etc.) and the FIRST thing you think is "oh man, i gotta roll a FATTY"

I just started smoking with my brother (which is great, most bonding we've ever had) and we just get lifted for all the family function food stuff hehehehe :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
List personal experiences that have convinced you/others that you are a professional pothead.

You know you're a professional pothead when:

1. You start a thread like this

2. When you want to breed your pets into one super pet

3. When you want to clone your cat by cutting her tail and planting it in soil

4. When you think you can hear plants insult you

5. When you know it's 4:20 and ask a non-pothead just for laughs what the time and the non-pothead doesn't get it

6. When you drink with your mouth closed

Let's hear from others...
when you buy visine by the case.


Well-Known Member
wen mcdonalds is delicious. :o
haha i'll add to this with my spin

when EVERYTHING you eat high, is "the best you've ever had" haha. so for example, the best mcd's you've ever had, or the best mac n cheese you've ever eaten, or the best ice cream you've ever eaten hehe :D


New Member
3. When you want to clone your cat by cutting her tail and planting it in soil

Dude, I have had this exact same thought so many times!


New Member
when you go to the book store to buy the latest issue of high times, read it on the way home while the wife drives, then when you get home you go to throw it in the closet on top of the others and notice the issue you just tossed it on top of was the same issue you just bought.....:eyesmoke::dunce:
when you forget your growing pot
when getting high feels normal
when smoke feels like fresh air
wen u cant sleep without smoking when u have considered having dreadlocks
when days of getting high merge into 1
when u dnt sleep u just play gaming consoles and smoke


Well-Known Member
List personal experiences that have convinced you/others that you are a professional pothead.

You know you're a professional pothead when:

1. You start a thread like this

2. When you want to breed your pets into one super pet

3. When you want to clone your cat by cutting her tail and planting it in soil

4. When you think you can hear plants insult you

5. When you know it's 4:20 and ask a non-pothead just for laughs what the time and the non-pothead doesn't get it

6. When you drink with your mouth closed

Let's hear from others...
when you have 1380 rolling papers.(just counted mine.)


Active Member
When you leave hockey early to make McD's, order a big mac, 10 nuggs, large fry, quarter pounder; and two cheese burger that you intend on eating for breakfast but nothing makes it the 15 min drive home. Then trying to take your contacts out after you take your glasses off for about five minutes thinking that they have grown into your eyes before you realise that you left hockey early because you had your glasses on not because you were hungary, you just got hungary half way home after smoking the rest of that blunt that was in your ashtray.


Well-Known Member
When you order a ground beef gyro with cucumber sauce and a side order of a pizza pocket which you eat with some ketchup and ranch... Without even being high.


Well-Known Member
you know your a pothead when you look at your friend and start laughing and both nodding your heads cos you not what the other friend is thinking..pack aother bowl!