You know your a stoner when you told yourself you were going to read through every post so none of yours were repeats, than at page 2 your all you can think is " Fuck it I'm just posting my shit."
You know your a stoner when your living room table always has enough weed on it to hit a bowl, even if that means scrapping the surface with a card for 20 minutes.
A couple personal ones qucikly:
You know your a stoner when you crack and egg into the sink instead of the frying pan (my buddy)
You know you a stoner when your drinking out of the two litre bottle of sprite intsead of pouring yourself a glass and talking on the house phone. And when your done you put the phone in the fridge and the pop beside the phone charger (me, it was good bud =) )
Your know your a true and lifelong stoner when, after all those bowls, spliffs, or whatever else, it's still worth smoking for that 5-10 minutes of being high. (not suppose to be funny, honestly how I feel)