You know youre too high when....

When your banging on your friends door telling him to open the fuck up, seeing people look at you in the window and yelling at them that you see them and they better open the fuckin door... Then finding out your at the wrong apartment...

I laughed...hard.
I had completely forgotten this incident until just now, and it's a good one.

Me and a friend went into a grocery store once to grab a few items, and my buddy was really stoned. So stoned in fact, he completely forgot he had a bag of bud in his jacket pocket. We get to the register, fortunately the cashier was a kid and no other customers were in line. He goes to pay for the items, and rather than pulling out his wallet to pay he pulls out the weed on accident. Then he stands there for about 3 seconds before realizing what he had done, says "Whoops"!, and then proceeds to finish the transaction as though nothing had happened. Meanwhile, me and the cashier couldn't stop laughing.
When your playing COD and waiting for the server to find a game, 10 minutes later "God dammit! I'm not hooked up to the Internet"
When you are talking a friend on the phone and put it on the table to take a glass of water from the kitchen and you forget your friend and phone and starting to eat.

When you are afraid to turn off the light but turned on light is disturbing you as well. Starting to think what to do

When you cant find the lighter while holding it in your hand

Outdoor: When Every young man is a cop.. When you enter in the market and cant stop laughing at the salary cashier then complaining you have high temperature like a retard. When you think everybody`s looking at you.