you like coke and weed?

Tom Ato

coke is way different then speed ime.. speed to me is like i just drank a big cup of coffee.. all up, and not really much euphoira with it ime.. i've only snorted meth, never smoked it banged it though..
but good coke, omg, i feel like i'm super man, and want to bang every girl who walks by.. shame on me though as that's not usually gonna happen if i'm on heaps of it..
i've had my coke times, but idk, can't really do it anymore.. hate being all cracked out.

but to qwizo, i never really notice it on coke, but for me i couldn't even think of looking at bud if i were on dope.. just the combo was too much, i'd usually get kind of dizzy and a sick feeling.. not really much fun..
That's why you smoke the weed. poor man's ecstasy or something like that. Adderal in generic form is labeled as "Amphetamine salts". I couldn't do it all by itself anyways. Like you said, all up but no euphoric "the world is the most amazing place" kind of feeling.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough, I can't make a comparison but I just don't see the point to coke personally is all. I don't want something that I'm simply going to compulsively do until it's gone. I've been around people who enjoy it, just seems there is never enough.

2 20s MG of dexedrine, and ya get the invincibility feeling and get so much shit done. Plus I'm not shoving shit up my nose. I find the pharmacy is the best drug dealer in town. I always know what I'm getting, never need to worry about shit being stepped on, and it's easy peasy. Far more bang for the buck with insurance as well.