You no longer have to germinate you're marijuana seeds ***************read please****


Well-Known Member

I noticed when I germinate my Marijuana seeds that they crack but have a VERY small white tail.

But I noticed that when I put it in the soil it gets long....Where it makes the root.

They say to put seeds in a dark place so do you think that if I put a seed that is not germinated in soil it will grow?



Active Member
yeah, its a seed, it'll grow. BUT you can germinate multiple seeds at once so if one is a dud and doesn't germinate you won't waste your time waiting for it to pop out of the soil


Well-Known Member
Yeah it will probably work, but the only reason we use the paper towel method is to get a higher germ rate. I'm sure there's plenty of ppl with high germ rates that plant right in soil -- but the reason people use the paper towel is to give it direct nutrients until that taproot emerges, which sometimes soil fails to do.


i ALWAYS plant my seeds directly into the soil... never have any trouble out of it; normally seeds pop between 18-48hrs after planting... just use starter trays and the few that dont pop just dont get transplanted into pots; no big deal; i always start about 20 seeds and keep them in the starter tray for a good week; then i pick the nicest few to transplant and keep


Well-Known Member
Mother nature has been planting seeds in the soil for millions of years now, its a proven method, hell she don't even use paper towels.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I use peat pellets and get like 90% germ rate...just go to home depot and buy one of those 12 peat pellet trays and follow the instructions. Then just keep a heating pad under the tray and mist the lid to keep it humid. I've never been able to successfully use the paper towel method, so I'm assuming germinating in soil is easier...


Well-Known Member
No, I'm sorry. You are all wrong. A seed will not germinate in soil. DUH! Are you serious? How old are you whulk to ask if a seed will germ in soil. Like NoDrama said, "Mother Nature has been planting seeds in the soil for millions of years now." How the hell do you think marijuana came to be? Oh, I know. A damn caveman engineered the first ever marijuana seed and said, "Now where are my paper towels at so i can germinate this bad girl?" COME ON!
I have used the paper towel method and I have also used the str8 soil method they both work. I like the paper towel method because you can see what going on vs. soil were its just a waiting game.....I don't like to