You said you want a grow tent for under $50?


New Member
I love the guide. but I have a question: Could you do the same thing with PVC pipe for the same cost? Seems like if you rigged up a box like this one and used PVC pipe instead you could break it down and move it easily.
I guess you could but when you get down to connectors you end up spending a good bit.. I dunno there is a lot more you can do with wood than pvc. So yes pvc would be great for a "basic" tent.
EDIT: If you're still thinking of doing a contest I'd be happy to enter with a PVC variant of your design.
Contest is 50/50 now to some sour sports want to shit in my coffee. But I will keep posted.


you know i've got questions...

I plan to use cfl's to flower, but I got a 12'' fluorescent, it will do to veg?
and hum.. do you use fans other than to blow wind on the plants, i mean, do cfl's get hot enough to need cooling in such a space?


Active Member
here ya go buddy...this is for a smaller grow i guess, but its still awesome
very nice and simple... cheers..

I have yet to build this one, but I thought it was the best DIY Air Filter I have seen...

Starts off as this:

and ends up looking like this:

I hope it is not inappropriate for me to link another site.. this is the only cannabis forum I use for my information gathering.. however I think I found this one on a Google search.. very nice and clean design in my opinion.. heres the link..

Now back to the topic..

This tent is a great idea for my mothers... I have a vegging cabinet, cloning cabinet and flowering closet.. but my concern was if I was trying to keep a mother.. the vegging cabinet is too small to keep them inside.. This is a great alternative to keeping a mother around for a harvest or two without taking a clipping from her. I want to alternate strains grown, but I mwant to keep this strain around to try again.. and with no one I know having it... I have to keep a mother alive somehow.. lol...

Cheers +rep


New Member
very nice and simple... cheers..

I have yet to build this one, but I thought it was the best DIY Air Filter I have seen...

Starts off as this:

and ends up looking like this:

I hope it is not inappropriate for me to link another site.. this is the only cannabis forum I use for my information gathering.. however I think I found this one on a Google search.. very nice and clean design in my opinion.. heres the link..

Now back to the topic..

This tent is a great idea for my mothers... I have a vegging cabinet, cloning cabinet and flowering closet.. but my concern was if I was trying to keep a mother.. the vegging cabinet is too small to keep them inside.. This is a great alternative to keeping a mother around for a harvest or two without taking a clipping from her. I want to alternate strains grown, but I mwant to keep this strain around to try again.. and with no one I know having it... I have to keep a mother alive somehow.. lol...

Cheers +rep
Yes sir,
If the people cant bring you a garden. Than bring a garden to the people.


New Member
you know i've got questions...

I plan to use cfl's to flower, but I got a 12'' fluorescent, it will do to veg?
and hum.. do you use fans other than to blow wind on the plants, i mean, do cfl's get hot enough to need cooling in such a space?
To be honest, you dont absolutely have to shut the door all the way in veg(no smell) and a small fan would be great. Exaust and intake is important with any indoor situation.


New Member
I just got those pictures almost completed for the tent. After completion, all info will be conjoined and put on a DIY thread linked back to this thread for questions or comments.
Thanks- Mgmt.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have never understood the need for people to have everything handed yo them on a silver platter. Anything new worth learning is also worth the chase.


Well-Known Member
Hey PappaBear... Great instructions and I will be using your knowledge to adapt my own plan in my basement. I have an area that I want to work with that is 4'w x 3'deep x 7' height. Mine won't need to be disassembled unless I move to another home someday, so I will start with using the polyvinyl to cover the back wall and ceiling. I was thinking I'd then make side panels and fasten with screws. Anyway I'm just in the planning stage and wanted to thank you for sharing. Peace +rep


New Member
Hey PappaBear... Great instructions and I will be using your knowledge to adapt my own plan in my basement. I have an area that I want to work with that is 4'w x 3'deep x 7' height. Mine won't need to be disassembled unless I move to another home someday, so I will start with using the polyvinyl to cover the back wall and ceiling. I was thinking I'd then make side panels and fasten with screws. Anyway I'm just in the planning stage and wanted to thank you for sharing. Peace +rep
Thats great to hear filmore!
Do yourself a favor and build you one with the same principle. Use 2x4's frame that sucker in.
With all that much needed support. Be able to hang any size can filter plus lights and any equipment inline or controller panels.Hanging trellis or scrog wold be a dream. If you give me afew days i will put up an example.


Well-Known Member
I'll be looking forward to it. I was just looking up some info on some hydroponics and a 400 watt hps for my light. I already have a separate area to clone w/ a 24" growlight and a homemade bubble cloner, so this will be strictly room for growing through the entire process. I am starting from scratch for my first inside grow for my own MMJ use. Don't want to increase electric by more than $50/ mo.


New Member
I'll be looking forward to it. I was just looking up some info on some hydroponics and a 400 watt hps for my light. I already have a separate area to clone w/ a 24" growlight and a homemade bubble cloner, so this will be strictly room for growing through the entire process. I am starting from scratch for my first inside grow for my own MMJ use. Don't want to increase electric by more than $50/ mo.
If you are new to indoor growing or just want the least amount of f*ck-ups. I would go with soil/soiless if I were you. Bubble cloners, dwc, ebb&gro.. they tend to get expensive on reservoir changes and more susceptable to root rot and fungus/mold/algae IMO. Costing more in the beginning and long run. Try for a Lumatek 600 watt digital balast. 5yr warranty and they are around 160-180 new on ebay. The digital ballast will allow you to run in watts 350/400/600/Superlumens and quiet less heat and better lumen output. Saves on your electricity bill. I say 600 because that wouldnt be a bad thing when come flowering time. They do have a 400w Lumatek that the watts drop down to 250 if im not mistaken, but if you wanting to take car of business. Save your chickens and trade em in for the 600 lumatek. If you want 400 during veg, set her to 400 JUST DONT TURN BALLAST UP PAST THE LIMIT OF BULB!!!

Clone using domes, a full dome set up is $8 store bought. Get a book called "The cannabis grow bible 2nd eddition"$15-25 depending on where you pick it up. If you want you can use fluorescent for veg or the hps bulb.. the MH bulbs and ballast are a waste of money if your cutting cost and amping efficiency. Try thinking of your total investment cost plus overhead. You have nutrients, seeds, water, electricity, mishaps.. if you are using a water culture system think of the costs.. air/water pumps burn out, stagnant water, constant ph and nutrient changes.

Trust me, do yourself a big favor and fallow my advice. Soil/soiless to start, keep all the hydro stuff as experimental equipment and once you got your grow dialed in than you can implement a bucket or two. Also with the digital lumatek, you can run 400 for veg with doors open until you get a vented hood and inline fan (a MUST have) than boost back to 600.

Let me know what your thoughts are.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the info on the 600 Lumatek. I will check that out some more. So let me give you what I know so far. :) Did hydro in the past in a crawspace w/ 3" pvc, solo cups, pump, and a shitload of hoses. Sunk the reservoir and it worked pretty cool, but messy and for the young. No crawling around anymore and soil/soiless sounds interesting. This season for the first time I did a stealth outdoor grow and the grow went well, but the stress of non-legality has me considering a new plan for inside. Here's my basket grow.


New Member
I appreciate the info on the 600 Lumatek. I will check that out some more. So let me give you what I know so far. :) Did hydro in the past in a crawspace w/ 3" pvc, solo cups, pump, and a shitload of hoses. Sunk the reservoir and it worked pretty cool, but messy and for the young. No crawling around anymore and soil/soiless sounds interesting. This season for the first time I did a stealth outdoor grow and the grow went well, but the stress of non-legality has me considering a new plan for inside. Here's my basket grow.
If you use Miracle Grow than make sure its organic for fruit/vegetables or for tomatoes only. The rest has radioactive isotopes(not good). Think of the ballast choice as this. If digital ballast gives best lumen to watts and your main goal being a gram per watt than wouldnt it be good to decide how big your yield is? If your going to do something do it right. Get that book if you havent read it yet please! Even if you "know what your doing", the book will still help. A good nutrient to start on that MG tomato formula.. I still use it for gorilla situations, a step up would be General Hydroponics grow/micro/bloom. I saw a gallon of each in a package deal for $50 free ship smaller bottles a lot less. NASA uses it, why shouldnt we? lol

Lumatek ballast, lumatek bulb, $100 or less for vented hood, $80 for your 4" inline fan on ebay. Your tent and filter come out to around $60 and thats after odds and ends.. Craigslist is our friend.. Search "grow tent grow light, hydroponics, etc" and be amazed at what shows even in the smallest of towns lol. Tower fans are great and the good ones with temp control and remotes are $30 used on craigslist. Have the mentality of "If it wont work for 10 years than it wont work for 10 minutes." Saves time, money, and hassel. I know it seems like a big start up cost but weigh it against your potential profit. You will be kicking and crying later when you penny pinched in the wrong way and you have unexpected hickups and a potential for zero yield. Maximize rate of success.

If you were wanting to upgrade later you would just add more of what you had than scrapping what you had for something new and if you buy something used insist on the original receipt when possible.


New Member
Well here is the Simple Shide nutrient line up..
Only 3 seeds if one was a male I wouldnt be heartbroken. Than I could sex them and get more seeds than the tree I had.. with more seeds comes breeding in and out things I want. Eventually have a feminized seed stock of Simple Shide. The three on the right. With the 6 part Botanicare series. My hope is two young ladies and a strong young man for a bit of a threesome.
the ss line up.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'll definitely come back to follow this. The smarter half of my brain has made me realize I really can't do this unless I'm legal. She keeps me out of trouble. I will get that book and read.


New Member
its perfectly legal to grow plants and veggies inside your home.. if you get it from amazon they have the book for $15 and a 10x10 of black andwhite poly for $8.50 plus free shipping! How could you go wrong?
I don't understand why cfl growers are so defensive. Teach on man - everybody has to find their own way. There are plenty of different ways to skin a cat. Horrible expression, thanks grandma.

apologies to cat lovers - me. I like great big dogs
There are plenty of ways to skin a cat but there ain't no way that the cat is gonna like!!

I'm using mostly CFLs and my plants are ROCKIN AND ROLLIN!! Actually they have outgrown my grow area for the second time. My new problem is that they are ALL FEMALE so the culling I was planning on to make more room ain'y happnin.

I JUST a few weeks ago hung a 2 10000 / 2 140000 K T5 above them and they are grwing UP toward thye light at an amazing clip. I trimmed off several two foot long lower branches and had way more than I had room to clone off.

CFLs ROCK and the wick watering from the bottom has NEVER over or underwatered a single girl. It's very easy, cheap, efficient and it gives minimal metered watering without pouring water onto the soil and washing it out, compacting it our washing down salts and pathogens..

Rock on wit cho bad sef CFL growers!!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Here's a quick materials list.
Depends on how big you want it, if past I wanna say 4'x4' than 2x4's should be used.

-1"x2"x8' trim wood (they come long, but they cut em in house @ homedepot/lowes)
-black & white polyvinyl its $10 for 100sq.ft.
-duct tape
-a roll of velcro $3 (walmart in sewing section)
-nails or screws (i prefer to screw)haha
-razor knife
-white paint

HAHAHA good shit man i didnt read the whole thing as i have already built this on my own, but it was funny i was just about to post this list almost word for word and then i ran across this thread. Keep on rockin it man.

I built a table for a storage bin to sit on that is filled with hydroton for my ebb&flow and i have a rubbermaid bin underneath for the reservoir, home depot has the pumps too but way overpriced you can get em for half what home depot sells em for at a hydro store. I also just finished building my rack to mount my panda film on for the top half of the table very sturdy. I used 1"x1"x8' boards very nice sir. plus rep


New Member
HAHAHA good shit man i didnt read the whole thing as i have already built this on my own, but it was funny i was just about to post this list almost word for word and then i ran across this thread. Keep on rockin it man.

I built a table for a storage bin to sit on that is filled with hydroton for my ebb&flow and i have a rubbermaid bin underneath for the reservoir, home depot has the pumps too but way overpriced you can get em for half what home depot sells em for at a hydro store. I also just finished building my rack to mount my panda film on for the top half of the table very sturdy. I used 1"x1"x8' boards very nice sir. plus rep
Thanks kron,
Yea wood is great and so are these cabins.. Its really nice because store bought tents are a certain size, with these cabins you save hundreds and they can be as small or big as you want.