You think my ladies are screwed?


Hi my first post here and wanted to get some help and serious advice on this, not sure if i have screwed things up:

I wanted to know what you would think in your opinion (welcome all) would happen in my scenario.
I have been vegging 6 plants on 18/6 for 3.5 weeks on a 400watt HPS.
Last wednesday I decided they were ready for flowering as they were getting kind of overgrown. Basically adjusted the dial to 12 of darkness while they were in their first hour of six hours of darkness as to not disturb them and they get their first night of 12/12 that night. Then when the light came on the next day (thursday), I was working in the growroom and had turned on a over-head light (a 60watt incandescent) that is close to the plants but not exactly on them, then left closed door and forgot to turn it off (I know idiot :cry:). Well that night it got 12 hours of darkness for the 2nd time but had a over head light on the whole time. So today (friday) when the light came on, I went into the growroom and noticed the light on.

So was just wondering what you think will happen to these girls? I went 3.5 weeks on 18/6, switched to 12/12 and the next day of 12/12, a light was left on the whole time during the dark period. Tonight will be the 3rd night of 12 hours of darkness but this time full darkness.

So is my plants screwed or am i ok because I just started 12/12?

Thanks for the help.


ok thank you zong. :bigjoint:

I was a little worried because I finally got some good genetics. Probably wouldn't be as worried if they didn't already get 1 day of 12 hours darkness. Plus the light that was left on is very bright (blue) for a incandescent, lights up the whole room in darkness.

Was just worried they might hermie, but since they have just been flipped then I guess they should be ok. Probably would be worse if I was way into flower period when that happened. Anyone else think they should be ok?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they'll be okay...........or not.........yeah, probably okay...........or probaly maybe okay.................

Just kidding, they'll be okay.


Well-Known Member
you should be fine with that happening so early into flower. Keep us informed though. have fun


Active Member
I've got a question kind've on the same line of thought..

I've been growing my lil seedlings for a week now with the lights on 24/0, but since then I've upgraded the bulb and it's getting a little toasty in my grow space. I have a fan, but it's a noisy bugger and I don't fancy keeping it running all night.. so I'm going to try to get the lights down to 18/6.

I was just wondering how I should do this... Could I just do it straight away, or should I gradually take out hours in increments? ie: 1st night, half hour, 2nd, hour, 3rd, hour and a half etc..
I don't wanna stress the out too much cause they're still seedlings, though It'd be a hell of alot easier to just do it all at once (I'm yet to invest in an automatic cutoff timer).


Well-Known Member
I've got a question kind've on the same line of thought..

I've been growing my lil seedlings for a week now with the lights on 24/0, but since then I've upgraded the bulb and it's getting a little toasty in my grow space. I have a fan, but it's a noisy bugger and I don't fancy keeping it running all night.. so I'm going to try to get the lights down to 18/6.

I was just wondering how I should do this... Could I just do it straight away, or should I gradually take out hours in increments? ie: 1st night, half hour, 2nd, hour, 3rd, hour and a half etc..
I don't wanna stress the out too much cause they're still seedlings, though It'd be a hell of alot easier to just do it all at once (I'm yet to invest in an automatic cutoff timer).
i would say reduce it by an hour every couple of days... there are alot of mixed opinions about light cycles 18 6 allows the plant some down time to help rooting in my opinion. one thing i did was leave my 2 girls in 30 hours of darkness before moving to 12 12 which made the sex show in a little over a week.


You can just go straight to 18/6 with no worries.
Your girls will be just fine.
Plus they will look much healthier once the heat from the light source dissapates.


Thx for all the responses! This site is great!:hug:

Im sure I was over-reacting a little bit, but just wanted to make sure, since that is the only 24/0 they had (besides being seedlings) in the growroom (or light leak however you want to look at it), but since it was just one day and it happened on the 2nd day of 12/12 then I guess it wasn't too bad looking back on it.

Was also thinking about adjusting the light slowly like hippychild is saying, but instead just went to straight 12/12 from 18/6, don't think that should be a problem.

Next question:
Do you guys think I should start bloom nutes on next feeding now that they are in 12/12 or should i continue grow nutes for a while and slowly ween them off of that, then start bloom nutes?



Well-Known Member
Stay with the grow nutes for first two weeks then switch over IMO. It works for me good luck


thx dirrtyd! :bigjoint: Will do!

Was looking at Uncle Ben's threads (great threads btw) and he mentioned keeping up the N during first few weeks of flowering. So gonna do that since that seems like when the most yellow occurs, after the switch.


Well-Known Member
thx dirrtyd! :bigjoint: Will do!

Was looking at Uncle Ben's threads (great threads btw) and he mentioned keeping up the N during first few weeks of flowering. So gonna do that since that seems like when the most yellow occurs, after the switch.
That is the reason why I stay on veg nutes going into flower. The bloom nutes will be lower in N. He is great by the way I have learned alot by just reading his articles and FDD2BLK articles. Looking for some great things outdoors this year.