And so my point: some people can withstand continous usage without any side effects, others cannot, It depends on the persons mental makeup, just as you have said! I myself do not like to be stoned all the time, but some people do. I think that even mega-stoners (as I believe you have described yourself) could use a reality check once in a while, maybe just to see what it's like. I went through a period in my youth (about twenty years) where I remained stoned every waking moment, I enjoyed it until I started getting paranoid, (for what reason I know not) and then I quit, (it might have something to do with the Cocaine habit I was amassing). Now I smoke for relief of Arthritus and enjoy the high, but I don't stay stoned as I used to, and I gave up all other habits (cocaine, booze, ciggarettes, etc) 20 years ago. It's all a matter of perspective. Peace!