you think you got women probs.. my kids just almost got took from me..


Active Member
hey glad to see your back and its good to hear you still have your kids. and it shows you rasied them right how they told the truth and stuck up for you i know how that is my mom called cps and said my dad pointed a gun at her threating to kill her and me and my bros had to stick up for him so he wouldnt go down for attempted murder.. so yeah and but good job at parenting my dad raised me and i think men should get reconizition for how good they can be at being a single parent and i thinks its harder for a man. well glad to hear it all good and keep up the good work.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
So a social worker and cops overlook the fact that:
1) This isn't even their mother
2) She can't even sustain herself and has to live in a shelter

Sad how in domestic disputes the guys are automatically the guilty party.

I wish you and your family the best and hopefully this shit will pass quickly. I can only imagine how much weed was required to calm your nerves down after this ordeal... :lol::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ahhh the police.... dont we know them to well ?

Fucking relationship problems allways make problems.. all i can say is..

Glad your on your own now.. Hope you have a great life to come... lots of love.. lots of good times... new friends ;)

aight !


Sucks to throw plants away... i feel ya !


Well-Known Member
I really fucking hate how guys get the blunt end of stick with these types of situations, like all a girl has to say is this man raped me a few months ago and the cops flip out and are like holy shit lets arrest him. or how during court cases usually the mother gets custody of the kids until the father can prove he is the better one to take care of them? i mean thats what happened to my dad, he was shut out of my life for years becuase he was a trucker? thats bullshit honestly. im glad they didnt take your kids goten, if they tried to take mine i would pull out my shotgun and say show me the warrant for it and you can take them till then GTFO MY PROPERTY! with todays society going down the toilet and the government trying to get invovled in everything you can never be safe. Watch yourselves my borthers and sisters.


Well-Known Member
I really fucking hate how guys get the blunt end of stick with these types of situations, like all a girl has to say is this man raped me a few months ago and the cops flip out and are like holy shit lets arrest him. or how during court cases usually the mother gets custody of the kids until the father can prove he is the better one to take care of them? i mean thats what happened to my dad, he was shut out of my life for years becuase he was a trucker? thats bullshit honestly. im glad they didnt take your kids goten, if they tried to take mine i would pull out my shotgun and say show me the warrant for it and you can take them till then GTFO MY PROPERTY! with todays society going down the toilet and the government trying to get invovled in everything you can never be safe. Watch yourselves my borthers and sisters.
WRONG. Do you really think that? Do you know how many rape cases go unprosecuted because all they have is her word against his? Haven't you ever seen the storage rooms FULL of rape kits that have yet to be tested for DNA, let alone had any progress made on the actual case?


Well-Known Member
WRONG. Do you really think that? Do you know how many rape cases go unprosecuted because all they have is her word against his? Haven't you ever seen the storage rooms FULL of rape kits that have yet to be tested for DNA, let alone had any progress made on the actual case?
well I agree with you on the rape but as far as child custody, the system is unfairly skewed in the mother's favor.


Well-Known Member
why is it like every thread people try to start fights? like oregonmeds is questioning the credibilty of gotens story... i dont see why goten would just make this up. please just think about stirring up the fire before you decide to post something. its a real buzzkill ><


Well-Known Member
well I agree with you on the rape but as far as child custody, the system is unfairly skewed in the mother's favor.
I didn't say he was wrong on that point, did I? :razz:

Trust me, I KNOW the system is unfairly skewed in the mother's favor. I know a woman who fucked up a MILLION times, and she still got custody of her kids over their father. She was arrested for domestic violence, arrested for being in the possession and under the influence of meth. Once while she was coming down and passed out, her daughter (who was like, 3 or 4 at the time) wandered out of the house and onto the streets, where she was picked up by the police.

It wasn't until it came to light that her tweaker boyfriend had been molesting all THREE of her kids (two of which were his own SONS, fucking disgusting piece of shit that he is) that child services stepped in and started WATCHING her. Not took her kids, just started keeping an eye on her, while they gave her paid assistance.

While child services was watching her they told her they would be drug testing to make sure she stayed clean. She didn't, and she failed a drug test. Did they take her kids then? Nope.

I'm pretty sure what finally made them take her kids was a time when she missed an appointment with them because she had been arrested for possession of meth. Then, when she got out, like the VERY same day, she got arrested AGAIN, for possession of meth.

She did a LOT wrong, and it disgusted me how long it took child services to take away her kids. Then, when they take them away, they give them to her parents...who by this time she is living with herself.

So I know all about how unjustly they favor the mothers.

But as for any woman being able to accuse a man of rape and have him arrested -- BULLSHIT. Most rapes aren't even reported, let alone prosecuted.


Well-Known Member
why is it like every thread people try to start fights? like oregonmeds is questioning the credibilty of gotens story... i dont see why goten would just make this up. please just think about stirring up the fire before you decide to post something. its a real buzzkill ><

This is an old thread, if you look at the date on the op. I don't think anyone's fighting over it.