You will not believe this...

damn. thats all i can say. What is the weirdest thing you have done/seen that has to do with drugs/alcohol?
I wanna meet this guy and shake his hand......
.....then i wanna take his hand chop it off sowe it to the back of his head. so that way he slaps himself in the back of the head when hes thinking something stupid.

Good thing though is ive seen this case before , jimmy, my cousin he did it to but he did it in his butt where theres more fat and meat lol. Well after about 2 weeks he bent over and he had 3 shrooms comin out his ass, we plucked them , cleaned them for a week ( fuck ya, who the hell knows where his assholes been ) and got fucked up bad. There was a peanut in my friend bobs shroom lol. Seriously though i wanna take ur friend put him in a white room with a door but no fucken handle and then give him a hammer, an ounce of weed, a piece of wood, and a syringe and the goal is this.
Using these ordinary office supplies ( if ur a clepto-maniac killer ) can u spark this weed and then how are u going to get the weed into ur lungs, u have 5 minutes to do so before the room fills with water. You know what ur friend would do he would take the weed load the syringe and puncture his lungs to inject it, and while hes coughing back up the weed that his loosing oxygen from. Hes taking the hammer and wood and trying to open the door, which actually has no knob.

lol i thought u actually beieved me. Dude i wanna give ur friend a syringe. full of motor oil and another filled with rubbing alchol tell him 1 is meth (alcohol) and ones is relaly strong meth, mixed iwth shrooms and some hash. lol that would be funny as shit not the fact hes dieing a horrbile death but to explain to the docotor.

"what happened, how did this happen"
"i told him the rubbing alcohol 1 had meth in it and the motor oil one had other drugs in it and he believed me"
"and u didnt try to stop him..."
"sir i was to shocked at what he just did "
"sounds good enough to me....god ur friends a dumbass. wasnt he just here last week for injecting shrooms into himself"
"yes he was"
" do u mind if i replace his IV drip with citrus acid"
"id be appauled if u didnt"
"can we have sex over his nearly dead body..."
"......doc im gonna leave ok"
"wait we havent checked u for prosate cancer"
"OK IM FUCKING LEAVING BYE *runs while holding cornhole*"

lol.. if only it were that easy.. i hate fuckin laws these days... just the other day I passed a car while speeding and got ticketed for speed racing, $427 ticket
lol spores in the blood, apparently nobody told him spores have absolutely no psilosin in them, and that is the only reason they are available in the usa.

funny story though, the folks at the shroomery would get a kick out of that, and yeah that is some dumbass thinking, would be funny if he died because mycelia took over his body and turned him into a big mushroom cake lol, i guess not really funny but, ya know, wierd...
i would love to be the help operator at the desk on the website he bought them off of
"yes i seem to have a problem with the spores you sent me"
"How can i help you sir, what seems to be the problem"
"i injected ur spoore into my blood stream and i feel sick"
" *msn window closed -- Chat Terminated* "
"hello ?? ...excuse me i feel sick"
lol... this guy has done countless other things.. tried to throw a firework out my car window when the window was up and caught the seats on fire..
wow at that point thats when i unlock the doors say look over there, while he looks i open his door and kick his ass out the car while moving lol.

i mean wtf how can u not tell when the window is open or closed, when its open fucken wind is hitting u in the face .
This guy I know told me about two weeks ago he ordered a spore syringe and was going to use it, i said alright keep me updated. Today he calls and says he feels really sick, I asked him why and he says, the shrooms i ordered. I Said what the fuck? how did they grow? He says I didnt want to wait for them to grow so i just injected it...

Needless to say, i went to his house, then called 911, he is in the hospital now..

Some people...

Dear fucking god. I feel sorry for him, but that is the epitome of ignorance. He shouldn't have been trying to grow in the first place. He didn't even know that spores don't contain psilocybin?

As I said before, I sincerely hope he is okay. But....... your friend is an idiot, to put it mildly.

I haven't read the rest of the thread yet, but I'm sure many have already said what I said. But I needed to say it.
People like him should be kept away from drugs, so that one day those of us with some sense can legally enjoy them. Idiots like that are the ones who fuck everything up for the rest of us.

Please let us know how he's doing though; I feel genuinely concerned... I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Then again, it never entered my mind that anyone would even really do that.
