you wont beleave this


Well-Known Member
Why would you get involved in any illegal activity with such a moron, really what good could come from it?

Tell me he is mentally handicapped and you HAVE to take care of him or some shit.

Are you really any smarter for starting this grow with a compete moron as a partner, your of luck JR


Well-Known Member
No, you can't kick him out now because he knows about your grow. You're either gonna have to take it in stride or stop altogether and boot his ass out.



Active Member
yeah, what a dick...i don't think i would like this person very much anymore....first he turned on lights during dark to SEE YOUR plants?? wtf? caused them to hermie--already grounds for an ass beating--then shook the afflicted plants in some distorted, what? attempt at humor?? To prove 'he don't give no fuck'????????

No offense--but this may have been the best outcome for you--you don't want to be growing mj with someone like that living w you--ruining your crop beats ruining your life--and dude doesn't seem to have the respect or the smarts to be up in your shit--(unless of course you are also a punk ass kid or (not saying you are, but lest we be judged by the company we keep...)......anyway, sorry bout what happened....i keep my dumbass friends away from my personal business (and my close, more intelligent friends as well...)

I agree w the others---get rid of the a-hole and restart your garden--plants pay more rent than roommates!!!
You forgot to add one more ")" at the end. You have 3 "(" and only 2 ")"
kind of a confusing sentence.


Well-Known Member
You forgot to add one more ")" at the end. You have 3 "(" and only 2 ")"
kind of a confusing sentence.

AHAHAHAHAHA. Stoner syntax. lol. :mrgreen:@naked gardenerbongsmiliebongsmilie. Also, a lot of this:............ and a few thats: --. naked gardener is unacquainted with commas, colons, n shit. Where's my red pen?

J/k bro, and I agree with everything you say.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Why would you show anyone(ESPECIALLY A RENTER FFS) your grow?

Like the others said, he does have you by the balls. What if he decides to stop paying rent?

This one dude got busted a few miles from my house for growing 30+ plants and a friend of mine who was barely acquainted with him knew about his grow.

The rules of fightclub apply to growing as well.


Well-Known Member
"un fucking beleavible listen to this shit
I own a home and i started growing a few plants 400 watthps and ebband flow. i have a renter who is a total pothead."

Okay first of all this isnt too unfuckinbelievable ......
This Guy is a total pot head .... hes probably gonna pinch your stash.....and fuck with your lights and what not..

"my first grow was great but there were problems with renter he is a paranoid ass."

So you had problems with your first gro...cause hes a paranoid ass....
Why blame him for a crappy first gro....???

anyway the second grow was going along great i was in the second week of flowering. he told me that he had been going into the grow room and turning on the light to look at the plants. i asked him not to do that.

You asked him?????nicely????
You should of told him not to mess with your shit....

today i went into my room and saw that one of my plants had turned hermie had an open flower. my renter walkes up behind me,i point out the hermie ,he grabes the plant looks at it, i ask him not to touch the plant

Why are u even asking this time you should have horsekicked him.....

cause hes gonna seed my whole crop. the asshole laughs then shakes the plant hard!

He just punked you in your face .... i would kick him out if you own that house....

pollen goes everywhere!what a dick! anyway long story short i destroyed 4 females and now im not growing anymore. i got a grow setup for sale in orlando if anyone is interisted also i got 5 feminised ppp seeds stil in origional package

U couldnt even slavage a plant.... are u sure he ruined it ... i would have tried to save it.....
Next time dont tell potheads were your weed is......:blsmoke:
I laughed when i first read this post...
I think your hilarious....:bigjoint:
Or maybe im just high

naked gardener

Active Member
AHAHAHAHAHA. Stoner syntax. lol. :mrgreen:@naked gardenerbongsmiliebongsmilie. Also, a lot of this:............ and a few thats: --. naked gardener is unacquainted with commas, colons, n shit. Where's my red pen?

J/k bro, and I agree with everything you say.:bigjoint:
You forgot to add one more ")" at the end. You have 3 "(" and only 2 ")"
kind of a confusing sentence.

(that kind of hurt guys)) _-_-_-_& what are these colons you speak of?? Sounds like a tunnel of shit to me ]//also I gotta a comma for your momma :mrgreen:

lol--yeah i know, i luvs me some dashes and tildas and () --(but only the latter because it's like giving my words a big ol hug)

also, I stutter when i talk

jk, lolbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
im trying to figure out who the dumbass is in this story.actually i take that back.there both idiots!!!
Well he asked me if he could grow a few plants then he gave them to me when he couldent take care of them i bought the system nursed the plants back to health and harvisted the grow. the problem with the first grow was that he was paranoid.. the grow went great. so i decided to do it again. there was never a covert grow room that was there when he moved in. He gives me 425 a month plus half the electricity so whos the dumbass? I dont think im the idiot. next point i dont hang out with this guy he not my friend. just some guy i found on craigslist. Now if i continued to grow after this shit then yes i would be a dumbass. I dont smoke weed i was just trying to make a few bucks and it dident work out. oh well. and puffster by the way the only idiot i see is you for buying that dog it looks gay.


Well-Known Member
Well he asked me if he could grow a few plants then he gave them to me when he couldent take care of them i bought the system nursed the plants back to health and harvisted the grow. the problem with the first grow was that he was paranoid.. the grow went great. so i decided to do it again. there was never a covert grow room that was there when he moved in. He gives me 425 a month plus half the electricity so whos the dumbass? I dont think im the idiot. next point i dont hang out with this guy he not my friend. just some guy i found on craigslist. Now if i continued to grow after this shit then yes i would be a dumbass. I dont smoke weed i was just trying to make a few bucks and it dident work out. oh well. and puffster by the way the only idiot i see is you for buying that dog it looks gay.
If you don't smoke weed AND will never grow weed are you doing posting here?


Active Member
Why do people want to resort to violence so quickly? It solves nothing(makes things worse even), and there are much more fun and sinister way to get people back for fucking with your shit.
lol that link was funny fade to black. no im not gay married witha wonderful child. anyway why would i post growing equipment for sale on a site thats about growing? gee i dont know. it does go to show you you guys are right about the fight club rule. anyway im outta here good luck everyone with your drug addiction. hope it works out for you.