young plant not growing. help!


Shes a berry ryder auto, germinated in a paper towl and planted into coco. I'm watering her once every few days with tap water left out over night. Shes sitting in a 1.5 gallon pot. I haven't given her any nutes yet. I had her in a 3 gallon pot before this and transplanted her because I figured she would get to big for my set up. When I moved her her root which was only a few inces long (5 days old) was compleatly exposed because the coco fell away as I lifted her up. Shes now ten days old and not really growing. Shes also starting to yellow and turn really light green and yellow. Any ideas on what I should do? Or if I fucked her up by exposing her root? Any input would herp me out. Thanks :) also threw in a pic of my setup.



Active Member
Sounds like you shocked her when you pulled the roots out. Shes using her energy to restore the roots, thats why you're not seeing any growth. Let her do her thing and she should come round eventually.


Well-Known Member
Coco will not buffer much nutrient my friend. If you`re sprouted you`ll need to start some minor feedings of light solution. I`m using Terra Vega(you`d have to use the Coco treated version), but is mild enough for seedlings. Some CalMag wouldn`t hurt your cause either. Otherwise you`re laughing, keep us posted,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
its going to need all of the nutrient spectrum or it will have all kinds of issues .. just a very very light nute solution like the bottle says 1 tablespoon per gallon use 1/2 a tea spoon full .. use your own judgement .. well don't do that , that's why your here no offense .. just think of it as a baby needing baby food and not a steak, good luck and if i am not mistaking cocoa needs to be watered several times a day and not every other days .. KEEP ON GROWIN


Well-Known Member
Coco will retain water, but not in the same way soil, peat, or perlite would. Could easily get away with a 2-a-day watering right now, to be lengthened as you go. Bass is right though, the very bare minimum is you will need a Micro formula to provide your trace, the Bloom formula will be just too low on the N to give you a good support for buds. Try implementing a Micro and even a little Grow for a few weeks until you see signs of flower. Then you`re using exclusively your Bloom + trace Micro there-on-out

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
With the look of those bottles, you should be alright actually. Do you have the Micro? May be the only thing you`d need to add otherwise. Cranked my neck hard looking at those beasts ... :p

KC :weed:


This is day 12 now and im still not seeing any growth. I hit her a couple days ago with a small dose of veg + cal/mag nutes. Im starting to lose hope here. I feel like my effort might be watsed if I put in another 2 and a half months with this girl if Shes gong to be stunted like crazy. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
It may be a slow vegger mate, especially in a container that size to start. I find it best to up-pot as much as possible, keeps those roots together and growth upwards. Stay patient, if it`s still in that state a week from now, it may have root rot or decay slowing or completely halting the growth altogether

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
water the whole pot to avoid dry pockets.

That plant is too young to be needing nutrients. Plain tap water will be fine.

I like to transplant as the plant grows bigger and fills out its previous pot. At this point I would leave it and just give it water.


Well-Known Member
You did damage when you transplanted. Below is a pic of a healthy root, showing the almost microscopic root hairs. Root hairs are where water and nutes are uptaken, and are extremely delicate. Easy to slide them off if you pull the seedling out of the soil. Hopefully your plant will take off shortly, it's trying to grow a new root system.

Buddy what's your temperature at? I had the exact same problem, looks healthy, just so slow. Anyway long story short, I fekked up my roots overwatering and repotting, but the didn't see any new growth, and I wondered if she'd ever recover, in the end it turned out that it was too hot (sometimes at 90f) and that it was loosing all the water it could gather from its stunted roots through its hot leaves. It's just a suggestion right now, but give it a thought. They're resilient little plants but, like us, if you're sweating all your water out and you can't get a drink, you're done for. Hope this helps :) A