Young plant not growing well


I have an outdoor plant about two weeks old. The second set of rigid leaves are coming in but slowly and the plant is only two inches tall and hasn't really gotten taller in a week. Anyone have any advice
i had a plant like that (a runt) and within a few weeks it was the size of all the others, so if it looks ok, its probably ok.
Yeah some superthrive would be great for it.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
HMMM unles it got to cold or either to hot. IDK. OD plants usually do really well early on with nothing but water if you have a good soil mix.


I used miracle grow. It got a lot of rain like two days after I planted it but it grew better then than it is now. The seedling leaves are basically dead too. What is superthrive?
superthrive was recommended to me with new transplants. its really good for all plant stages. a little bottle is like $5, and really gives the little guys some good vitamins and all Also other names, I started using technoflora and their version is thrive-alive


I'll try it thanks. Also the stem looks like it's kinda losing it's green. How big of a problem is that?
can you test the ph? not sure about the stem, but its normal for the young seedling leaves to die off. little guys are tougher than we realize so you def could be ok


need a pic m8, of the browning, could be overwatered could be something completely different. As for testing the soil PH. You can get a cheap PH soil testing kit from your gardening store, they're very easy to use and come with instructions.
You basically mix the soil with some water in say a glass or something transparrent then you add the PH chemical to the water/soil mix and match up the colour with the PH chart that comes with the kit. You should be able to pick a kit up for a few bucks/euros/pounds.

Another tip buddy, I wouldn't use MG soil on your freshly germinated seeds as it has slow releasing nutes in it that last for 3 months which i've found burns the plant like fuck. If it is outside then the rainwater will be full of everything the plant needs. I've been in your position before with that damned MG soil.
If your on a tight budget (like me) then get some multi-purpose soil and re-pot as soon as you can and stay away from MG.
If you can show us a pic we could help you further.
Take is easy braw.