Young plants, outside two days, top leaf curling?!?!


New Member
Hi all,

Looking for some advice on these babies...

They are 4 weeks old, just repotted and outside 2 days ago...

Most are doing very well, some have top leaves curling, shrivelling... (see photos)

Any advice appreciated...



Well-Known Member
I cant see your pics that well but just make your not watering too much.
If they were started inside they should be hardened off before set in full sunlight.
Put them in the shade for a while and see if they recover.
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New Member
No sorry, not great pictures...

They received no more than 2 litres after repotting and had nothing since. Prior to that they went over a week without direct watering. Was very humid here and they showed no signs of being too dry!

They were started outside, under cover, have spent 2 weeks in semi outside conditions... They are now in an area where there is lots of dappled sunlight so they shouldn't get scorched. I will probably leave them in this location as I think there will be enough direct sun but will monitor them and maybe move them later into a full sun location.

They look healthy enough, just the very top leaves on some going crinkly and curling over, not wilting though.