Hi everybody, I have this seedling which is 5 days old an shows this problem:

I can tell you three things:
1- If you think the problem is the light, well, the lights are the same I've used and I'm still using with the another seedling which was born with only one cotyledon and no other leaves but now, after almost two weeks , is doing fine and growing well... Furthermore I can tell you that I kept that poor seedling closer to the light, more than I'm doing with this one and haven't had this problem.
2-I haven't used any fertilizing because the coco pellet already have some nutrient and the soil in the pot it's 33% humus which is full of good stuff but not to the point of make any harm to the seedling.
3-The last, but probably the more important point, is that before you tell me that the poor seedling is drowning, let me tell you that it's probably the opposite. I've lost count of folks repeating me "too much water, too much water..." to the point that I might have actually under watered this poor seedling because the soil is god damn dry from the bottom to the top. I've just added maybe 20 ml of water, two days ago when I transplanted the pellet, to stop the soil from crumbling while I was digging the hole for the pellet.
I know in this picture the soil looks dark BUT it is dark because it's a photo taken with the correct exposure. So, if looking at the picture you think soil is dark because it is wet, well, let me tell you again that is dead dry.
Any help we be appreciated, thank you.

I can tell you three things:
1- If you think the problem is the light, well, the lights are the same I've used and I'm still using with the another seedling which was born with only one cotyledon and no other leaves but now, after almost two weeks , is doing fine and growing well... Furthermore I can tell you that I kept that poor seedling closer to the light, more than I'm doing with this one and haven't had this problem.
2-I haven't used any fertilizing because the coco pellet already have some nutrient and the soil in the pot it's 33% humus which is full of good stuff but not to the point of make any harm to the seedling.
3-The last, but probably the more important point, is that before you tell me that the poor seedling is drowning, let me tell you that it's probably the opposite. I've lost count of folks repeating me "too much water, too much water..." to the point that I might have actually under watered this poor seedling because the soil is god damn dry from the bottom to the top. I've just added maybe 20 ml of water, two days ago when I transplanted the pellet, to stop the soil from crumbling while I was digging the hole for the pellet.
I know in this picture the soil looks dark BUT it is dark because it's a photo taken with the correct exposure. So, if looking at the picture you think soil is dark because it is wet, well, let me tell you again that is dead dry.
Any help we be appreciated, thank you.