Youngin Smoking


Well-Known Member
And I would think one of the hopes of this community is to make cannabis a legal but age regulated substance so it would still be illegal for you. Either way we can't give you advice because you have broken the terms of agreement on this site...:peace:


Well-Known Member
i can give you some advice. wait your probably in gym class. sucker.
advice: dont break the rules on this site. THEY WILL FIND YOU!


Well-Known Member
sorry bud few years ago i woulda fought to help you stay...but now as i've gotten older an seen the light past my thick skull...i relezed it not just about one or two but the whole site in that respect you must delete this account....who to say if ya started another one or not an didn't post ya age or just sucks man but its just the way it is...peace an see ya when ya


Well-Known Member
I know many KIDS who are young who use this site.

And we know them all too,we can tell by the converted speaker box'es being grown in,or hollowed out dressers,or even the home made co2 pop bottle devices,not to mention not being able to afford any more than the 2 light bulbs that came out of the basement,anymore tha that & moma's gonna miss them.

You guys give your selves away daily asking all kinds of questions about how to find shit from around the house to grow with or to use as fertilizer.

The reason i refuse to help you children is that your all impatient & dangerous,i could not care less if you smoke a pound a day,its the dangerous shit all of you do,like splicing 12 lights into one extension cord,with scotch tape,or making a light reflector out of cardboard & tin foil,or my personal favorite dangerous act of youth,sharing a grow in the closet with all your clothing in order to keep it hidden,or even my number 2 favorite,the ole computer fan rigged up to a cell phone board for ventilation.

The facts is that you kids are dangerous by nature,you have way too much shit going on in your lives to stay focused for any length of time,one knock on the door from your friend johnny cool & you'll forget all about the propane torch burning in the closet to add co2 to the room.

The internet is a toy to children,used to entertain at all times,every kid ive ever seen asking how to grow has done zero research on how to,yet dreams of getting rich off monster colas.

Growing good dope is not easy,it takes work,money,research,equipment,a safe place of your own to grow & common sense,children do not possess these qualities by nature.,


Well-Known Member
And we know them all too,we can tell by the converted speaker box'es being grown in,or hollowed out dressers,or even the home made co2 pop bottle devices,not to mention not being able to afford any more than the 2 light bulbs that came out of the basement,anymore tha that & moma's gonna miss them.

You guys give your selves away daily asking all kinds of questions about how to find shit from around the house to grow with or to use as fertilizer.

The reason i refuse to help you children is that your all impatient & dangerous,i could not care less if you smoke a pound a day,its the dangerous shit all of you do,like splicing 12 lights into one extension cord,with scotch tape,or making a light reflector out of cardboard & tin foil,or my personal favorite dangerous act of youth,sharing a grow in the closet with all your clothing in order to keep it hidden,or even my number 2 favorite,the ole computer fan rigged up to a cell phone board for ventilation.

The facts is that you kids are dangerous by nature,you have way too much shit going on in your lives to stay focused for any length of time,one knock on the door from your friend johnny cool & you'll forget all about the propane torch burning in the closet to add co2 to the room.

The internet is a toy to children,used to entertain at all times,every kid ive ever seen asking how to grow has done zero research on how to,yet dreams of getting rich off monster colas.

Growing good dope is not easy,it takes work,money,research,equipment,a safe place of your own to grow & common sense,children do not possess these qualities by nature.,
Well put panhead, Ill +rep ya for that, when I get more to give. This kids gotta go, Where the mods at?


Well-Known Member
And we know them all too,we can tell by the converted speaker box'es being grown in,or hollowed out dressers,or even the home made co2 pop bottle devices,not to mention not being able to afford any more than the 2 light bulbs that came out of the basement,anymore tha that & moma's gonna miss them.

You guys give your selves away daily asking all kinds of questions about how to find shit from around the house to grow with or to use as fertilizer.

The reason i refuse to help you children is that your all impatient & dangerous,i could not care less if you smoke a pound a day,its the dangerous shit all of you do,like splicing 12 lights into one extension cord,with scotch tape,or making a light reflector out of cardboard & tin foil,or my personal favorite dangerous act of youth,sharing a grow in the closet with all your clothing in order to keep it hidden,or even my number 2 favorite,the ole computer fan rigged up to a cell phone board for ventilation.

The facts is that you kids are dangerous by nature,you have way too much shit going on in your lives to stay focused for any length of time,one knock on the door from your friend johnny cool & you'll forget all about the propane torch burning in the closet to add co2 to the room.

The internet is a toy to children,used to entertain at all times,every kid ive ever seen asking how to grow has done zero research on how to,yet dreams of getting rich off monster colas.

Growing good dope is not easy,it takes work,money,research,equipment,a safe place of your own to grow & common sense,children do not possess these qualities by nature.,

then when you pass the magic number 18 you automatically change all your ways. some people don't grow out of stupidity of childhood till their late 40's some people never grow out of it.

But i do agree with you most kids are just dumb.


Well-Known Member
lol he doesn't want to walk to go smoke

how fuckin lazy do you have to be? weed is sacred..better give it some damn reverence, especially if you dare to cultivate it


Well-Known Member
wow all you people care about is the stupid fucking agreement noone even reads when you sign up? what a bunch of fucking losers he is just a kid looking for help and all you can say is oh well your not 18, who cares really. kid dont say shyt to your mom just smoke it outside and when you know its a good time to tell her tell her.


Well-Known Member
If you aint got the balls whats the point of smoking.. better you'r mum know's from than a future cop arrest maybe for 0,5g's

you'll get smack'd in the face cuz you werent truthfull... and seriously i do understand why you have to over 18. Most youngens would go and tell there friends and there friends and suddenly who knows that kids friend is a cop.... that kids friend is a lawyer the other kids dad is a journalist and BOOM

Rollitup gits newspapers and dwr's quietly ask's the mods to delete all posts for me :)

haha peace


Well-Known Member
wow all you people care about is the stupid fucking agreement noone even reads when you sign up? what a bunch of fucking losers he is just a kid looking for help and all you can say is oh well your not 18, who cares really. kid dont say shyt to your mom just smoke it outside and when you know its a good time to tell her tell her.

what happens when his Mom finds out people on rollitup have been helping him grow weed? some parents would start a campaign over something like that. did you know rollitup has actually gotten PM's from parents asking him wtf he was doing teaching their kid to grow pot? more than once. :peace:


Well-Known Member
boot me if need be , but i wasent even 18 when i started on this people helped me out.
im sure you had help. no one is denying how awesome RIU is. but it was against the rules. you can start making up for it now! j/k

dont you believe in rules?


Active Member
I hate to see these kids growing in their parents houses. It is so unfair for their parents if they get busted, as they get all the heat and the kids get off scott free.

I can't remember who it was that said it ;) but they were right about waiting till you get older. You do have your whole life to grow weed, so why not make the most of being a kid and wait untill you have your own house?


Well-Known Member
I hate to see these kids growing in their parents houses. It is so unfair for their parents if they get busted, as they get all the heat and the kids get off scott free.

I can't remember who it was that said it ;) but they were right about waiting till you get older. You do have your whole life to grow weed, so why not make the most of being a kid and wait untill you have your own house?
t'was me ;)
i'm just cool like that..... :-?


Well-Known Member
hmmm, i used to smoke weed when i was 15/16. i went through high school / college / jobs etc but i have grown up alot now.

i was thinkin about growing in my mums house but theres no way id want her to get a bollocking for ME growing in HER house when she pays all my bills an shit.

i recently moved out into my 1st new home with my gf - now i share everything with my gf and hide nothing and i respect every1s wishes - so i grow outside in the shed.

by all means, smoke it, have a good time with ur friends whilst u still can. i would not grow in ur parents house though. u prolly wont get much yield anyway.

you will realise every1 is right about growing.

but, ofc i was thinking the same as u at one time so ill give u a little tip.

read the FAQ and stickys - they help alot! and if u need to ask something then do a search - more than likely someone has asked that question and u dont need to post anything.