Well-Known Member
no sorry, that was his theory ................
try to be funny in the general section
Me too.........

no sorry, that was his theory ................
try to be funny in the general section
i jerk.
i'm not a super dooper thread posting fan.
but yeah i jerk in the club and shit...ladies like it
and when i'm high i just can't stop jerkin son
arent kids the smartestif you are young enough to "can't stop jerkin son" ...
you aren't old enough for this website
hell yea this is that type of shit thats kill hip hop, first with soulja (bitch) boy and now every one wants to make a dancelets not forget dancing has been humans "peacock feathers" for centuries
dancing is meant to attract a member of the opposite sex to engage in fornication ... nothing more ... nothing less
everyone that says this is a "movement" is fucking retarded
hell yea this is that type of shit thats kill hip hop, first with soulja (bitch) boy and now every one wants to make a dance
but break dancin wuz the shit and jerkin and super-man and the pigen walk and all that other shit is stupid and dumb ass hellOne of the earliest forms of hip hop was break dancing. Go back to the streets hip hop was born- there was a bunch of motherfuckers in the middle of the street dancin. But if you mean music is being dumbed down I agree with you 100%
if you are young enough to "can't stop jerkin son" ...
you aren't old enough for this website
yeah, DEFINITELY not a "movement" LMAO it wont last long enough to have a history, unlike break dancinbut break dancin wuz the shit and jerkin and super-man and the pigen walk and all that other shit is stupid and dumb ass hell
Just about as fail as the soldier boy shit. How is making an ass of your self cool again?
somebody should run those little fuckers over. and yes...it is done in the street...at least in oakland it is. these dickhead get in the middle of the street and start dancing or youll get 30 of them or so that block traffic all up and down international on there "scrapper bikes"
lol i say let them have some fun there much worse things they could be doing than dancing. lol check out the jerking in this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_JmXCNPs6Y&feature=PlayList&p=19A496FFEA0A6D90&index=1
mos definitely wack as fuck....its real huge in my city right now, all the lil highschool kids do that shit...its lame...I just graduated from highschool last year, all these skinny jean wearin mutherfuckers ask me "you jerk?"..I respond "no fag"
just another dance fad...
I say that cuz it is indeed lame and gay...its just another dance fad that was started with bad rap songs, it'll die soon...anyways naw no one has tried to fight me after they ask me if "i jerk" lol
My city has a lot of real gangsters but also a lot of fake clowns, everyone thinks their a blood in my city...the real dudes dont jerk. all the "pretty boys" jerk ...
well guy, i just turned 18 so maybe i'm not mature enough for your taste.
but dancing is what me and my crew do.
you have a problem with me starting a circle at the club and having all the ladies on my balls at the end of the night guy? HMMMMMMM?