Your Christmas..?

Sunny take care of the Mrs., and let us know what happens. In my prayers.
thanks WW thanks everyone for the peaceful vibes and thoughts and prayers. she doesn't look too good. i made her go to sleep and left. she had pneumonia last year at thanksgiving. oh well c'est la vie non?

WW when we going to hook up at the blueberry patch?

my mother always pushed Christmas on us, i remember going from one place to another to visit as a child. always the parents in a bad mood. my grandmother, dad's mom, was killed by a drunk driver 3 days before Christmas when i was 4 and my dad a 26 year old man. i think now how hard each and every Christmas must have been for him and my family. my friend of 30 years died yesterday and her 26 year old son must feel the same. i guess holidays are bittersweet for a lot of us.

*lights the biggest pineapple kush doob in the state of florida and sits back* :eyesmoke:
well she still looks bad and i doubt they send her home tomorrow, if they do it will be just so they have Christmas off imo. we shall see, in the meantime i put a hurting on the pumpkin cupcakes i made. now the kitten and i are smoking hash :eyesmoke:
Elf gifts will be hidden as soon as wifey gets back from the store.. she was craving bagels and cream cheese.. and were out of cream cheese and coffee..

I did remember something while out smoking today

When my brother and sister and I were younger.. we would get play dough and make Christmas figurines and do little skits with them.. just emailed them to carry on that tradition with their kids..


things like the nativity sets

Mom's out of state visiting sister and grandkids. My lady is doing her family thing. I'm getting sick so I'll be chilling at home with the dogs learning some new tunes. To be honest, I enjoy just chilling with the dogs and having a lazy kick back day with no hustle and bustle and running around visiting diff family members and fighting traffic etc..
A nice quiet chill X'mas is what I'm looking forward to. Happy Holiday everyone.
anyone ever have this LP as a kid? It was one of my favorites during this time of year.. I purchased a copy off ebay a few years back.. thinking my kids would enjoy it.. I was wrong
Wifey's family tradition was to make Chili for Christmas.. I had never heard of this.. kinda threw me for a loop.. she makes great chili.. uses the Wendy's restaurant verision..

buddy just text me saying he has his chili in the pot too.. anyone else make Chili for Christmas?

hid the elf gifts.. took them about 5 mins to find them.. wifey gave them hot/cold help too.. DD+ wifey got some flannel like sweats Son got a pullover.. I got this shirt that says
I'm not arguing with you.. I am explaining why I am always right.. Mom knows me :)
From Christmas Eve (in laws place)


Christmas Am.. (our house)





My Sister sent them some $ plus a return thank you card.. (she wants a hand written note from the kids saying what they did with the $$) So.. I am having the kids write her out a nice thank you letter explaining how they were able to take her cash and use it as front money to start a meth lab and double the profits.. I suck as an older brother I guess..


Son got a nice Controller


Kids opening a gift from mom..


someones happy







DD with her new Cell..

