Straight up G
New Member
Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa! it was crazy we left a bong in his sink and another one on his porch!haha wtf. why did u guys throw the chicken out? and then eat mayo...ewww
Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa! it was crazy we left a bong in his sink and another one on his porch!haha wtf. why did u guys throw the chicken out? and then eat mayo...ewww
Hey TRPP, I love your posts, you're the real deal. was 1969 or there abouts, it was payday and we all wanted to buy some weed. Try to wrap your heads around this......we were all stone cold heads....but we were in the ARMY!.....stationed at the Presidio SF. You ever see those big red brick buildings on the right just off Doyle Drive when you come off the Golden Gate Bridge? That's where we lived. A sweet posting for a draftee when the alternative was far to the in Vietnam!
So Jackie Tutor says to me "you know how to drive a sports car, you drive to Berkeley for the weed". He just bought an MG Midget with questionable ownership and figured that since I had an Austin Healey 3000 I was a candidate for driver. I was game....and I wanted some weed!
As soon as we hit the Bay Bridge he pulls out an American flag joint the size of a Sharpie and proceed to burn it. Well...the hot ash was about 1.5 inches long when a speaker ...attached to a CHP cruiser says right in my ear......"PULL OVER AT THE NEXT EXIT"....."PULL OVER AT THE NEXT EXIT!". My life flashed before my eyes....visions of 10 years in the stockade.......imminent suicide...AAAARGH!
Well......I jammed that American flag and 1.5 inches of glowing ember straight into my mouth and started planning. We had a mile to go before we got to Yerba Buena exit. I said to Jackie Tutor "you got anymore weed on you?". He says "No".......then 3 seconds later he says...."I forgot... I got a little more " and pulls a full lid out of his pocket. I say "throw it out the window when we hit the curve at the exit"......then I look in the rearview mirror and see nothing but but CHP grill and CHP headlights! I say " stuff it in the side pocket...............TO BE CONTINUED IF THERE'S ANY INTEREST!
Damnit! I just finished the story, sent it, and it didn't post. Naturally I forgot to copy it as I went along and have to write it again. goes.
So I get in the right lane and pull off at the Yerba Buena exit. Very appropriate since Yerba buena means beautiful herb.
The cop stopped 2 feet behind me, there was nowhere to go. A high speed chase on Yerba Buena and Treasure Island? Not an option and I wouldn't do that if it was. I got out to face the situation head on. The cop walked up and stood 6 inches away from me. I looked up....and up.....and up. Now, I'm 6'1" and he had to be 6'8", buff as a man can be, and black as the ace of spades. He looked down at me and said......."DID THAT TASTE GOOD?". I've never been at a loss for words before or since, BUT I COULD NOT SPEAK! I was so scared I could not speak. He looks down at me and saId says......"WELL.....DID IT?"
Jackie Tutor was a small guy from Alabama but a real powerhouse. I think he was 17, not even old enough to join the army at that time (I was 20, practically an elder statesman) . I think he lied about his age to join. He came around from the passenger side with his DMV printout and began explaining the ownership of the Midget. He showed the cop the first page and the rest unraveled clear to the ground. The cop took one look at it and handed it back with an "OH, FUCK THIS" look on his face. Never said another word about ownership. He told us to empty our pockets on the trunk lid. Along with the usual garbage there was a fat roll of 10's and 20's from the boys back at the barracks, and an 8" string of FIRECRACKERS! Explaining why a couple of young GI's had a fat wad of cash would have been hard enough ($84/month pay for a private E-1 at the time). But the firecrackers? I never did find out why Jackie Tutor had firecrackers on him. The cop didn't say a word about either. He walked around to the passenger side, looked inside, then he looked in the side pocket. I'll never know if he saw the lid. (copy). The cops comes back to us, looks DOWN and says.......and I swear this is the God's honest truth........"IF YOU'RE GOING TO SMOKE THAT SHIT.......CONCEAL IT......NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" Needless to say, we got the fuck out of there.
We got back on the bridge and headed for Berkeley. That was by far the most scared I have ever been. The second most scared I have ever been was driving back across the bridge with 18 lids in the trunk.
And now you know "THE REST OF THE STORY".
2 good ones right there lets keep this thread going.When I was 16 me and a friend took a eighth of shrooms each and we were with these 3 girls who were drunk as shit but one was fat and ugly but still pretty fuckable if you were in a fucked up state.But were walking down the train tracks at like 3 in the morning im tripping hard as shit and im sure my friend was to and me and my friend were trying to fuck 2 of these girls but they kept bitching saying they didn't want to on the tracks.So we started to head to my house and its like a 15 minute walk from where we were at on the tracks.My dickhead friend starts talking about cops just saying how he'll be fucking gone if they pulled up on us and the bitches trying to act tough saying they aint scared of no cops they start yelling fuck the police and shit like that but were walking,there still being loud as shit and theres this open lot thats right next to the tracks and there go's 3 cops all chilling right there smoking cigarretes up against there cars and I know they heard them dumb bitches so once I seen them on sight I took the fuck off with my burst of shroom energy straight down the tracks witch wasn't very smart to do I didn't no were everyone else ran to but I can here these footsteps right behind so I take a quick glance back and bam got the shit tazered out of me in my left elbow lol I trip to the side and fall down this sloped dirt hill were these junkies would always shoot up at and throw needles everywhere I land straight on my fucking face but the tazer wasnt stuck in my arm no more so I took the fuck off down this trail again and got away to my house luckily but I chipped my front tooth from the fall and I had cuts all over my arms and face.I took a aids test a week later just to make sure I didn't get nothing and it came up negative thank god for that.I was so fucking pissed that night and when I got home I was still tripping my ass off thank god my mom was up still with some weed so I had someone to talk to she thought it was fucking hilarious when I told her what happend
tell us about vegas!My boyfriend and I went to Puerta Villarta in Mexico. Now myself, I always travel with my stash but where I hide it I can only fit around an 1/2 ounce if I pack it really tightened down in the baggie. We got to mexico checked into this killer hotel and proceedeed to meet these ex-patriots living there since the 60's. I ran out of weed after about a week and they told me they could score if I wanted more weed. I was like hell yea! We met up in front of the hotel around 4pm that evening. We got into this cab and proceeded into the jungle. We rode for about 20 minutes to this place called Chico Paradise. We got out of the cab and were met by 6 or 7 little girls who led us to our table. The ex that brought us there gave one of the girls a big macys bag and 7 dollars. She took off and about 3 minutes later she came back with this HUGE bag of buds! We stuffed it under the table, ate a fantastic fresh fish meal and left back to the hotel. When we got back to the hotel room, we dumped the bag on the table in the room and realized this had to be a least a quarter pound of weed. As soon as the ex-patriots left for their room, we got so freaked out with all this weed and in another country...all I wanted was like an ounce or something, we packed up half of it and ran downstairs and threw the half away in the hotel lobby bathroom trash. It was really wet when I got it and when I smoked it, it wasn't that good. A few days later I sat down to smoke some and all a sudden I noticed I had been sitting there with a half smoked joint for around 20 minutes in a beautifull stoned haze. Great Trip! Ask me about the trip to Vegas if you want more.
Tell us about the chocolate mescaline.OK Peter, Back in early 70 I was stationed at Oakland Army Base ,a couple of us had an apartment in Berkley but we had to keep a locker on base. Well I'm walking in one morning and had about 6 lids on me (had to pay the rent somehow) and so as I walked up and opened my locker I saw a friend across the barracks and he asked if I wanted to by some weed and no thanks got plenty well all of a sudden this big ol german sheppard starts barking his ass off out side and we see the mps comming . I grab my shit and stuff it in my shaving kit, the guy across from me tosses his bag out the window but within a few seconds it comes flying back in and lands right on his bunk.I grab my shower gear and head into the shower get wet and leave my bag in the shower, the mps are all around and I come out and say "What the fucks goin on here " Well I'm told to get to your locker and shut up. Well a few guys got busted but I skated that day even went back later and got my weed back!!Took a while to clean my shorts though!! Got one about buying a lb of choclate mescaline !! Guess what that turned out to be?!