Your Drug History


Well-Known Member
13 - mj/alcohol (i was a young one i kno)
18 - vicodin (prescribed by my doctor for a massive headache (lasted 4 days straight!)

nothing else ever since.

all i do now is smoke mj and drink. i dont mess with the vicodins...i took em maybe 3 times for recreational use. didnt like them...make me feel sick to my stomach easily (even just one 5-500mg on an empty stomach would do it)


Well-Known Member
Started smoking weed when I was 11, bf was 4 years older then I was and thought it would help with some issues I was dealing with. Obviously it did, 20 years later I'm still toking
Did ALOT of acid in high school, and that may very well be my FAVORITE drug. BAR NONE. Though finding it now is near impossible, managed to get ahold of some around 6 years ago, but even at that they were charging $20 a hit (though, admittedly, it was some BAD ASS acid)

Was taking a coke dealers daughter to school for a week, and was staying up all night working on a project so he gave me coke from his personal every morning before I took her, and before I went to pick her up. Good stuff, but not really my thing. Didn't have any problems not doing it sense.

Not being able to find acid I tried and failed to find a suitable substitute, tried a coupe of types of shrooms, Salvia, didn't like any of them, but had a special hatred for Salvia, will not do that shit again to save my life.

EDIT: Forgot about the Alc, thought we were just talking about the illegals. Alc I started at 13. Mj was my first love.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember when I first started experimenting with drugs.. but here is a list of the drugs I have done in my 29 years of life so far.

-LSD (best trip I've ever had in my life.)
-Shrooms (good trip.. laughed so much that night.. that the next morning, my cheeks/mouth/jaw were killing me from smiling/laughing so much)
-Xanex (these things are great IMO. especially for someone like me, who has legitimate anxiety issues. Put you right to sleep!)
-Loricet (Love these things too. I get awsome amounts of energy/motivation when I take a loricet. I get shit done.. plus I have NO PAIN at all!)
-Roxycodone A.K.A. 'Roxxies' (These were the ones that I actually got addicted too. I'll never do those again.. and I don't suggest anyone else try them)
-Oxycodone (Same thing with these. Highly addictive.. I call this one and the Roxxies.. I call these 'the devils drug'. These things will rape your soul)
-Soma's (these things are great too. first time I took one.. my entire body felt like a rubberband.. but it was almost like taking a xanex.. weird)
-Cocaine (I'm talking about pure Coke.. not the 'crack' shit that the street level cooks turn it into.. fuck crack. Coke is where its at)
-Methadone (Currently on methadone to kick my opiate habit. I had to get on Methadone so I could kick the addiction to Roxy/Oxycodones)
-GHB (Don't remember hardly anything about that night.. except that I was in the passenger side of my own car, while my buddy drove and his gf sat in the middle seat. I do remember his gf grabbing my head and laying it in her lap.. but that's about all I remember from that night. This was like 8+ years ago)

I think that covers about all the drugs I've done.

If I remember one later.. I'll come back and add it to my list.



Well-Known Member
Started smoking weed when I was 11, bf was 4 years older then I was and thought it would help with some issues I was dealing with. Obviously it did, 20 years later I'm still toking
Did ALOT of acid in high school, and that may very well be my FAVORITE drug. BAR NONE. Though finding it now is near impossible, managed to get ahold of some around 6 years ago, but even at that they were charging $20 a hit (though, admittedly, it was some BAD ASS acid)

Was taking a coke dealers daughter to school for a week, and was staying up all night working on a project so he gave me coke from his personal every morning before I took her, and before I went to pick her up. Good stuff, but not really my thing. Didn't have any problems not doing it sense.

Not being able to find acid I tried and failed to find a suitable substitute, tried a coupe of types of shrooms, Salvia, didn't like any of them, but had a special hatred for Salvia, will not do that shit again to save my life.

EDIT: Forgot about the Alc, thought we were just talking about the illegals. Alc I started at 13. Mj was my first love.

I have to agree with you on that. I think out of all the drugs I've done so far in my lifetime.. I would have to say that LSD was by far the best one.

I'll never forget my last trip.. never ever forget it.


Well-Known Member
I started off with LSD back in 1972. I counted it up and my best estimate was about 60 acid "trips". Smoked pounds of pot, including some of the legendary strains, and several varieties of nice hash. Psilicybin (synthetic mushrooms), Mescalin (peyote buttons), all sorts of amphetamines, barbs, MDA (my favorite!!) and combinations of things - some of which really messed me up. My most memorable experience was the night our bands drummer was leaving the next day and we had him a party. I dropped some psilicybin and we all went to a concert. One of my friends had some good acid so I bought 2 hits. We stayed for about an hour at the concert and left to go to "Rusty's dream house", a place way out in the country. Rusty had the windows painted black and boarded up inside. Everything inside was psychedelic, including numerous black lights. I dropped one of the hits of acid when we got there. Larry, my best friend, and the towns biggest dealer, brought out a bag and started rolling joints, passing them left, then right, then left, etc. There was about 20 of us sitting on the floor in a circle. A couple of head fuckers were singing Zappa and Capt. Beefheart songs. I was sitting directly across from Larry and he kept looking at me, smiling. I didn't "get it" until somebody was handing me a joint on each side, one right after the other. I was soooooooooo fucked up!! For some stupid reason, around midnight I decided to do the other hit of acid. I wanted to get off quickly so I crushed it up, took out a dollar bill and snorted it. Holy shit... within 10 minutes I was out of my mind. The head fucking was getting to me; everything in the room started looking like cartoon characters. I grabbed Larry and another friend and we went outside. I told them I was too messed up and needed to come down. They both had cigarettes and when they flicked their ashes the trails went all the way to the ground and then back up, like a yo-yo. I was also have audio hallucinations; when one of them would talk, then the other, I would hear the first one say the same thing again - echoes! I had never experienced that before. Larry decided that he needed to get me out of Rusty's place so he suggested we go to his girls house. I had my dads Pontiac Bonneville. When I got in and started it up, it was like the fucking space shuttle. I got on the highway and was driving about 15 mph but it seemed like I was doing 100. We got to Larry's girlfriends house and he had to go find the key to get in. Meanwhile I'm standing there by the car, waiting. All of a sudden, Larry's girl's damn man-eating dog comes out, barking his head off at me, acting like he's going to attack me. I was about to shit my pants when he got back and took control of the dog. I remember listening to "DOA" by Bloodrock, several times (and the rest of the album); that was one freaky fucking night.

I could be wrong here.. and IF I am.. I apologize.

But eh, LSD doesn't come in a 'solid' form does it?

I thought it only came in blotter paper.. or liquid form in a flask.

I've never heard of someone crushing up LSD.. and then snorting it.

....hmmmm. odd.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
18-shrooms, coke (only smoked it with weed, never snorted it), whippits (do those count?)
19-22-pills (klonopin, percocet, vicodin, xanex, valium)
25- prescription amphetamine

unfortunately i have a particularly high tolerance for benzos although i can count on 6 fingers the amount of times i've taken them. they don't do much for me even at stupid high doses. overall pills aren't my thing. never touched x because around here the purity is very questionable.


Sector 5 Moderator
I could be wrong here.. and IF I am.. I apologize.

But eh, LSD doesn't come in a 'solid' form does it?

I thought it only came in blotter paper.. or liquid form in a flask.

I've never heard of someone crushing up LSD.. and then snorting it.

....hmmmm. odd.
Actually LSD is made as a liquid. It is then diluted and dropped on celophane, sugar cubes, aspirin, or anything else. They used to put it on postage stamps and mail them to friends in prison. You youngsters, sheesh! :)


New Member
I could be wrong here.. and IF I am.. I apologize.

But eh, LSD doesn't come in a 'solid' form does it?

I thought it only came in blotter paper.. or liquid form in a flask.

I've never heard of someone crushing up LSD.. and then snorting it.

....hmmmm. odd.
probably microdots, you can't really find them now


Sector 5 Moderator
probably microdots, you can't really find them now
Yeah, I've dropped a shitload of microdots and barrel acid. The substrate is just the carrier, something for the liquid to be put on and the water evaporate. I scored some "Turkish Black Death" acid at the Byron Pop Festival. Needless to say I don't remember a lot about the festival except that I really enjoyed it at the moment.


Well-Known Member
lol thats some funny shit pimp, sounds like my fried brain, did he just ask me for money, lol, we used to split 100 four ways and do it all in 2 or 3 day trips, i think the first time i ever tripped was orange barrel at a rock superbowl, remember those, tickets were like 6 bucks for a bunch of bands, the one i dropped my first hit at was cheap trick, heart, ufo, blue oyster cult and i believe 200 hits later it was the best trip ever, when Godzilla came out from over the stage, blowing smoke and foam, that would have been awesome straight, but for a first time, you can't beat it :-)

never had a bad trip *knocks wood* and i have the benefit of permanent trails


Well-Known Member
Actually LSD is made as a liquid. It is then diluted and dropped on celophane, sugar cubes, aspirin, or anything else. They used to put it on postage stamps and mail them to friends in prison. You youngsters, sheesh! :)
wow tripping on acid in prison be fucking crazy.I'd definitely do it lol.I can only imagine being on 23/1 going crazy lol.I bet you could still get it in like that to.


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah man, it's really funny now but at the time I was shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds. I know that had to be a great concert with all that great talent there; Heart is still one of my favorite bands. I would fuck Nancy Wilson and make my wife watch, LOL. I can't imagine seeing Godzilla on the big screen while tripping!

Dot's I'm glad you can imagine something being fun in prison; I can't. I'm one of the "they'll never take me alive" people. Funny how I remembered that little tidbit of trivia.


Well-Known Member
lol thumbs up but don't let your wife hear that ;-)

actually it was before the big screen stuff and it was a Godzilla monster that came up over the stage wwwwwwow i can remember that like it was yesterday, however i can't remember what i did yesterday, maybe i need an oldtimer's check up :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Before I was 18 I had never touched a drug besides pure hospital morphine twice for kidney disease.
Then when I turned 18 I did this:

Marijuana (Alot)
Alcohol (Only twice... never really liked alcohol)
Salvia (2)
LSD (5+)
Shrooms (5+)
MDMA (2)
Opiates (10+)
Cigarettes (Never got addicted just bummed a few off my friends when tripping or high)
Klonopin (anxiety but only used it a few times)
Ketamine (2)
Kratom (5+ herbal stimulant)

19 - Meth (Once, Never again!)
DMT (Soon)

I have been sober off of all drugs legal and illegal for 6 months... Need to clear my head before starting again.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Cannabis (daily) like the focused / cerebral highs, less the body stone.
Shrooms (once) great high
Extacy (+5) nice high
Speed ( once) nice focused feel, grinding down my teeth
Coke (once in a blue moon) great with strong weed
Ritalin (prescription) worked twice
Wellbutrin (prescription) didn't work
Clonazepam (prescription) put me to sleep, loss of appetite, respiratory tract infection..
Azithromycin (prescription) cured infection


Active Member
14-started smoking pot
15/16-tried lsd/acid/enbalming fluid,pcp,
17- tried alcohol
18- stuck to just pot and the occasional drink

im 21 now lol

and i do shrooms and acid from time to time when they are available in my area. which is like every 6 months or so


Well-Known Member
Crack - 6weeks (womb)
Opium - 9weeks (womb)
Heroin - 3 months (womb)
Marijuana - week 1-birth
Alcohol - week 1 - birth
Cocaine - 5 months (womb)
MDMA - 9 months (womb)
Sugar / Caffine / Tobacco Smoke - 1st day home.
. . ... .:lol: