Your Favorite American Piss Water Beer?


Well-Known Member
Oh man, why would anyone drink light beer? Less taste and less alcohol!

Bud is good for swilling in mass quantities, but for taste I like Blue Moon, Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams, a lot of the Lagunitas beers. Shock Top and Paulaner Hefeweizen are especially great for summer. Rolling Rock, as mentioned above is good. And I like to experiment by buying beers I haven't had before.


Active Member
if i can be quite honest i love BUDWEISER but the only beer i will flat out refuse is heineken!! it literally tastes like heiney!!!! warm cold frozen throw it away that shit will kill ya imo!


Well-Known Member
Steel Reserve 211 bitches << thats liquid crack for people who dont know

drank 2 40z, wont be doing that again.

8.1% ABV


New Member
Heiniken and steel reserve 211 are down right gross for me ;-)

So is sam adams oktoberfest yuckk. Miller high life is yumm. Budweiser is great. Not a fan of budlite thougj


Well-Known Member
if i can be quite honest i love BUDWEISER but the only beer i will flat out refuse is heineken!! it literally tastes like heiney!!!! warm cold frozen throw it away that shit will kill ya imo!
Yeah, really! They market it as a high-class beer, but it tastes skunky as hell. I'm not sure if that;s because it's in green bottles (light passes thru and degrades the beer) and is old by the time it hits shelves, of if it naturally tastes like that. Either way, I won't drink it


Well-Known Member
It's weird, when I was in my late teens/early 20's (decades ago) Coors was the beer. Bud has since taken over, I rarely see ads for Coors or see it in bars. Another beer that was big WAAAY back was Olympia. Don't see that at all anymore

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I live in colorado and used to drive by the coors brewery all the time. Sometimes I would try it but I never really liked it. Beer commercials really work on me I see that coors train and I have to get some LOL. I also agree with the heineken comment. That shit smells like stale piss even when fresh. My stepdad always gives me shit cuz I don't like it. He did turn me on to warfteiner though. When I am looking for a change it hits the spot.