Your First Concert?

Haha i
We have 2 cement gargoyles on each side of our driveway at the house in Bloomfield Hills , all my neighbors have cement lions or their initials on the driveway gate & we have the green eyed monsters , we stick out like a sore thumb , the neighborhood is all doctors & big wig ceo's who have servants polishing their cars , were a mixed race family with an outragously loud hifi , smokin j's out front & blastin music , loud ass harleys all summer long .

My next door neighbor is a neurosurgeon & asked me what i did for a living when we moved in & i didnt lie , you shoulda seen his face when i said retired dope dealer , he's black n his eyes got like the black butler in the old abbott & costello movies , i laughed my ass off , im pretty sure they hate me but fuk em ,my father left us the estate & were using the shit out of it .
Merica fuck yeah!
Haha i
We have 2 cement gargoyles on each side of our driveway at the house in Bloomfield Hills , all my neighbors have cement lions or their initials on the driveway gate & we have the green eyed monsters , we stick out like a sore thumb , the neighborhood is all doctors & big wig ceo's who have servants polishing their cars , were a mixed race family with an outragously loud hifi , smokin j's out front & blastin music , loud ass harleys all summer long .

My next door neighbor is a neurosurgeon & asked me what i did for a living when we moved in & i didnt lie , you shoulda seen his face when i said retired dope dealer , he's black n his eyes got like the black butler in the old abbott & costello movies , i laughed my ass off , im pretty sure they hate me but fuk em ,my father left us the estate & were using the shit out of it .

gangster. i dig man Back in the day was back in the day. I hung ut with some ogs I guess you qualify.
the neighborhood is all doctors , you shoulda seen his face when i said retired dope dealer , he's black n his eyes got like the black butler
Doctors are drug dealers too, probably more doctors get busted then pot grows.. except they just lose their license and don't go to prison, but fuck it we didnt have to go to college for 7 years either..
What does that mean?
I was about to ask you if you ever come to dallas they always throw big parties here for Dime bag and Dave Williams usual at house of blues or reno's chop shop... they are some of the best parties in Texas. But I started typing and didn't finish and was too lazy to delete it... lol
Back in the day my buddy bum rushed lynyrd skynrd, he thought he could just hop on the stage. He got his ass kicked so bad the whites of his eyes were red.
Back in the day my buddy bum rushed lynyrd skynrd, he thought he could just hop on the stage. He got his ass kicked so bad the whites of his eyes were red.
That's pretty standard at slayer concerts.. the good ol days, before internet bullying and the NSA...
Linkin park,staind and puddle of mud-Brixton academy 2000/2001-ended up 2ft away from them on stage and ended up having a smoke with jonathan davies from Korn and some of the roadies since i had backstage passes, still very surreal to this day lol
Doctors are drug dealers too, probably more doctors get busted then pot grows.. except they just lose their license and don't go to prison, but fuck it we didnt have to go to college for 7 years either..

Where is it you get to go for only 7 years and become a physician? Back in my day it was 4 + 4 then you got to begin a nightmarish residency, akin to slavery. Let me guess now they give you time off for good behavior? LOL

Concerts :) The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach. They'd feed some of the local kids PB&J and you could watch the bands setup, The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Papa John Creach but it wasn't a real concert so does that count?
who, where and your impression.

moody blues - giants stadium nj circa 1978/79-ish

nosebleed section my brother scored the wasted couldn't find the car.

impression: they sounded just like their recorded and proudly held my bic for the first time!

Van Halen, 1984 album in 84 or 85 in LA. It was a great show and we were stoned off our ass all day so I don't remember much. We scored 6 split seat tickets early, then partied with different peeps in the parking lot(both days actually), couldn't get any tickets the first day. And we followed some girls to pick up some smoke and we made out with them. We scalped 4 of the tickets later when they sold out the last few seats and the profit paid for the whole weekend. We basically drank all morning and I puked before the show even started. And just smoked the rest of the night. I was kinda sobered up enough for the drive back to the base MCAS El Toro in Santa Ana, county stopped us just outside the gate. He was cool tho, made us park outside the gate and the MPs let us through to walk to our barracks. The same weekend, some guys we partied and worked with got nailed with some shake in the car. That got back to our senior officers and we all got piss tested the next week. We were sweating it bad! They pegged one of the guys who caused the whole mess and he got busted out of the Corps. They must not have tested me and my friends samples, I am sure we woulda got popped. Anyway. Had a good time.
Doctors are the top dope pushers in every city, so glad I need no happy pills, sex pills, pick me up pills, clam me down pills, put me to sleep pills, pain meds......all is cured with MM, lol
Where is it you get to go for only 7 years and become a physician? Back in my day it was 4 + 4 then you got to begin a nightmarish residency, akin to slavery. Let me guess now they give you time off for good behavior? LOL

Concerts :) The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach. They'd feed some of the local kids PB&J and you could watch the bands setup, The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Papa John Creach but it wasn't a real concert so does that count?
Wait... 4+4 isn't 7?
2004ish kid rock. I took a stripper that was younger than me. She was cute, carried in 1/2 pint Jim Beam bottles in my back pockets. We stoned it up, but the girl was getting kinda violent and trying to start trouble. I had to stay alert to keep an eye on her. Kid put on an awesome show. Love dudes guitar skillz and art back then. When I finally got her away from the show and we were trying to find the car, she was ranting and raving and throwing her boots and stuff. She wanted to fight. Bad trippin even tho she only drank beer. I drank the whiskey. So, I smiled and laughed to defuse the situation. Told her I had to work tomorrow so, I needed to drop her off somewhere. Where did she wanna go? I took her to the club she stripped at and went in with her for a sec and had a beer. Crazy girl was all over the place talking about the good time we had. I kissed her and said good bye and drove home so relieved she didn't get me put in jail that night. She called me a lil while later and asked if I "dumped her off". I was like no, but never ever talked t her again after that. Kid rock was a great show tho. I had a lot of his CDs. The souvenir T-Shirt was the "You ain't never met a mother fucker quite like me". Yeah-don't wear that stuff to like Walmart. Moms look at you funny. Be like, clubs only shirt.
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